it was not Dome.

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Pavel's POV

Dome drive me to my colllege.
I do not know if he sleeps last night but i have watched what happened.
I asked Bar to take a secret video call, so i know  what was going on. The 2nd and third team in hazing command are on standby. Dome is with them.

And i am proud how he stand up and stop the war.

I do not kniw to whom Leam is loyal anymore me or Dome. But atleast i have him to guard Dome when i cannot.

"We should have gave them lessons last night. But doc Dome." Leam said.

I just smirked.

"I thiugh he asked you to keep me away form trounle, yet you are a trouble maker." I said, to him.

He just laughed.

"Welcome back" he said.

Time to talk to Sunshine later.

We entered the class and my professor asked my condition. He said a medical student came and gave the circular letter that the head hazer is in bad shape and my medical records suggests me to have atleast three days rest.

I smirked.

He managed to do all of it and think of ot while he is shaking and rattled tending my wounds.

"Yeah Dome was here. For three days." Bar whispered yo me.

I will wait for lunch break.

To talk to all of them.

"Are you guys doing things begind my back?" I roared.

"It was Dome, he asked favor from us. And because we want revenge for you sorry we planned it." Leam admitted.

"I did everything to keep him of trouble yet yoj guys ackmpanied him into it." I said.

"Calm it na, you know nothing bad happened to him. He handled the situation very well." Vee said

I snickered.
Yes he can handle things very well.

"Atleast we now know Sunshine has to do with it." Bar said.

"Where i Cooper?" I asked,

"Sumonjng tne first aids." Bar said.
"And they are now outside." He added.

"Pavel our loyalty is on you. And we these and those for you." Leam said,

The three of them stand up and walked towards the door.

"Scold us later, but for now we have to roast some bitches." Bar said.

They all walked out of the door.

I breathed and let my frustrations out.

Then i walked out of the door.

The first aiders are on their knees.

"Get up" i shouted.

They did not.

"Get up" i raored in frustration.

"I am your fuckin" head hazer commanding you to get up!" I roared in anger.
I feel that my whole body is on my voice. I feel redand hot i know i look so red eight now.

Theh all gey up and stand.

"Sit down and atease " i shouted.
Noone moved.

"Do i have to repeat it three times?" I asked.

They sit at ease.

"See you guys do not know who to follow now?" Leam roared calmly.

"And we should oney the head hazer?" He asked sarcasticly.

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