hide and seek.

233 12 0

Dome's POV

The freshmen gathered around the bonfire.

"Doc Dome, you can take your rest n?" Mild said.

I looked at him.

"Mild, atease na, i wanna watch them, do your duty as hazer na., i can manage." I said.

He then walked to the freshmen.

"This is interesting" Nine said.

The freshmen where handed pieves of papers.
And wrote their ambitions..

The hazers disappeared leaving Pavel alone.

"When you are done bring your papers and put it on the box of your fractions." Pavel shouted.

A minute later some freshmen stand and put their papers on the boxes. Then went back to their seats. No cahos happened.

But we are on stand by if chaos happened. The meds.

But even without their leaders they are organized.
Pavel smirked.

"Have you noticed your hazers are not here?"

"Sir ues sir!" The freshmen shouted back.

Pavel stood proud. And smirked.

The freshmen clapped their hands.

"I am proud you have learned Order and discipline, freshmen bring this with you al through your life." He said.

The freshmen clapped their hamds.

"Then, no one sleeps untill you bring me your hazers and first aiders." Pavel shouted.
"3, 2, 1."
After his countdown tbe freshmen run from their places in different directions.

"What to do" one asked.

"Fknd our ps' they disappear to hide and noone sleeps if they are all not found." One said while thue walk away.

In 20 minutes, most first aiders are found.
In 30 minutes.
Most hazers are found.

But Pavel's team are missing and Pavel is nowhere to be found.

One of the freshmen said.
"Let's make Dome as baut and his friends, so we van make the lead team appear."

"That is not fair" Joong said.

But the hazers sorrounded us,guarding the six of us.
The freshmen knows theie head team invited us.

But the freshmen are desperate.

"This is not part of the deal na." Joong said and stood to defend us.

The freshmen backed down and think of strategies.
Later they all dis appeared and when they are back they got the lead hazers.
Except the head hazer.

Then the freshmen came to me. The pushed the hazers asidee but my friends pushed me to them.

"Sorry for doing this P' but you are our last resort." Theh said.

"Okay," i said and walked with them.

We are walking to my room.

Then i ams asked to open it and get in i did.

I am kidnapped and locked in my own room.

I laughed.

These kids.

The freshmen are tired now.

I yexted Pavel.

Babe, the freshmen are tored now, give them rest na,.
Mild said you will be early tomorrow, let them rest na.

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