Special Chapter-02.2

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A/N: This is the second part of our Special chapter even though its a month late, Happy V-J Day lads (09, 02, 1945) and just for this special chapter I'll be adding a new crossover, note this is not gonna be a Ship just to point it out so enjoy. In the next couple of days or maybe a week from now Chapter-15 will be released I am managing to cram this on my busy school schedule, so enjoy, and below is the theme for this special and without further ado let's start the special chapter.


[Azur Lane Base]: Conference Room - 3 months later

On the conference room was Enty, Nimitz, Midway, Missouri, Elizabeth R08, and the representatives of the Azur Lane organization.

Enty: Good, now that's everyone here I would like to discuss our plan of action for Sakura Empire.

Enterprise: So what are we going to discuss?

Belfast: Indeed, we are surprised that you called this sudden meeting,  Miss. Enterprise is there any reason?

Enty: Yes we have a reason for this meeting, we'll get to it along the discussion. 

Q.E: Well then hurry up! I have to get back to my servants! she demanded

Nimitz: You mean, Drink more tea? she ask with an arch brow

Warspite: Precisely Miss. Nimitz, her Majesty gets a bit moody if she misses tea time for no good reason. she explains

Hood: Yes indeed her majesty does get annoyed if she misses tea time. she smiled

Illustrious: Please, Miss. Hood let us hear our allies has to say.

Wales: Indeed I am quite curious for this new thing of yours.

Hood: Same here.

Illustrious: Very well, we shall wait and see.

Belfast: Still you called us here, for what again? she reiterated 

Midway: Were here to discuss what's our next plan and offensives against Sakura Empire.

Richelieu: Shouldn't each camp plan their own moves and then, pass it on to the others? she asked

Alaska: Yes we could have done that, but we chose not to since this concerns all of us.

Elizabeth(R08): So you Yanks got a plan how to crush Sakura Empire?

Nebraska: Oh we definitely have a plan for that. she said with a smirk

Vanguard: I don't like where this is going. she deadpanned

Alaska: Well, you know us Americans. We always have a way with escalating things! she laughed

Noticing there are some members of the modern fleet that are missing, that was actually on base was noticed by Belfast so she quickly asked the modern CO's for the modern fleet.

Belfast: Miss. Nimitz, Miss. Enterprise, may I inquire where is your friends that are from the JMSDF or the Miss. Elizabeth's friends?

Nimitz: Good question, for our Japanese friends we didn't invite them to this meeting because they might find the plan we have as offending since its still a sensitive topic for them, for the Australians and Russians is that they are not on base. she explained

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