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A/N: [Text] = Translation



[Somewhere Up North] - Waters Adjacent to the Waters of Northern Union

On this sight was a group of ships which was composed of one Carrier, two cruisers, one Destroyer and one large submarine the first one was to wake up was the second largest ship of the group she's none other than Pyotr Velikiy a proud member of the Kirov Class Guided missile cruisers

Pyotr Velikiy: Где я, черт возьми? [Ugh where am i?] she said as she stands up

The next to wake up was the carrier she is none other than Admiral Kuznetsov

Kuznetsov: Тьфу нахрен голова болит! [Ugh Fuck my head hurts!] she said

As they both noticed each other they made way to each other

Kuznetsov: Товарищ Петр Великий! [Comrade Pyotr Velikiy!]

Pyotr Velikiy: Товарищ Кузнецов! [Comrade Kuznetsov] she said as they hugged each other

Soon they were joined by the other three Russian ship girls

Moskva: Товарищ Петр Великий!, Извини, что подвел тебя и Кузнецова! [Comrade Pyotr Velikiy! I am sorry to let you and Kuznetsov Down!] she cried

Pyotr Velikiy: Нет, это нормально, не нужно плакать, Москва [No its alright no need to cry Moskva]

Panteleyev: Товарищ Петр Великий, товарищ Кузнецов! [Comrade Pyotr Velikiy, Comrade Kuznetsov!]

Kuznetsov: Товарищ Пантелеев, как дела? [Comrade Panteleyev how are you?] as she drinks some hot Kompot

Panteleyev: У меня все хорошо спасибо кузнецов [Thank you i'm fine Kuznetsov] she said as she drinks some Vodka

Donskoy: Так кто-нибудь знает, где мы? [So does anyone know where we are?] she asked

Pyotr Velikiy: Нет, товарищ, но я все еще предполагаю, что на севере из-за холодной температуры [No, comrade, but I still assume that in the north, due to the cold temperature]

Kuznetsov: Хорошая мысль, но нам нужно узнать, как перемещать наши корабли [Nice thought, but we need to learn how to move our ships.]

Smol Timeskip brought to you by the Author getting sent to the Gulag for accusing a Comrade Vietnamese of something

A little later of shuffling and doing things the Russian way they managed to find out how to move their ships and even summon their rigging they were underway to whatever destination they are heading to

With Moskva listening to some hardbass in her ship and with Kuznetsov and Pyotr Velikiy listening to some good old songs from the old Union from their ships And Panteleyev choking more Vodka down her throat the best she can and with Donskoy humming a tune she wished to hear when she's about to crush the Siren-fascists scum that attacked her Motherland

Donskoy: Однажды я пошлю ядерное оружие этим фашистским подонкам [One day I'll send nuclear weapons to these fascist bastards] she muttered

Carrier Strike Groups  X Azur Lane (Story Dropped)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें