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[In our world] - A couple Miles from Hawaii 

Lt Cmdr Johnson: Sir the Desron and CruDiv has been wipeout all that's left is us and the Carrier!

V Adm Rogers: Damn it tell the Carrier to make a run for Pearl at least there they can recuperate and defend the Island with that incoming CSG!

Crewman1: Sir reports from the Carrier incoming multiple bogey's at our port beam!

CIC: were knocking them down with CIWS!


The CIWS does its Job spectacularly at shooting down the Siren aircraft but a few manages to escape the withering lead of the rapid-firing 20mm cannon and began their attack on the Carrier off the Starboard quarter of the Ship with multiple hits the carrier starts to list to its starboard.

Lt Cmdr Johnson: Sir the carriers captain has ordered to abandon ship, says she's gonna capsize soon.

V Adm Rogers: Alright send a distress signal on our location, Helmsman whats our speed?

Helmsman: 32 knots sir!

V Adm Rogers: Tell CIC to weapons free i at least don't want this ship sunk!

Lt Cmdr Johnson: Yes sir!

Crewman1: Sir Multiple aircraft's incoming on our port bow!

CIC: Engaging with CIWS!


The CIWS got most of them but a lucky few manage to pass the Murderous CIWS fire and hit the ship with multiple Missiles one landing on turret 2 its explosive power manages to penetrate underneath the deck plate and headed towards the Magazine with that happening the ship exploded in a massive fireball sheering the Mighty ship in two parts.

???: hehehehe this fleet would be a wonderful collection to our experiments start the transport please.

???: On it, same location again?

???: No bring them nearer to the battle will you.

???: Of course transport is active and ready commencing in 10 seconds 

Soon the sunken fleet was gone all that's left was a few mangled debris and its survivors.


[Azur Lane World] - Near the abandoned Island

???1: Ugh where am i, What the how the hell i'm human!?

She then saw the 7 other ships she then saw a very familiar ship next to her its her close escort who was beginning to wake up.

???2: Ugh where the hell am i. she said as she scratches her head and standing up

???2: What the hell how am i Human i'm a ship!?

???1: Hey there Mo! she called out

???2: Hey Midway!

Midway: Alright so who's here?

Missouri: Well the ones here is our fleet.

???3: So your gonna leave me out of the fun huh?

Midway: No Salem were here as a fleet.

Salem: Good found our Destroyers and Little R. she says

Little Rock: Well at least were still together. she stated

Carrier Strike Groups  X Azur Lane (Story Dropped)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu