A Brief, Yet Interesting Meeting

Start from the beginning

"I don't really think I've seen this one before..." Shujinkou awkwardly scratched his right cheek.

"Well, you are an artist. Having a good eye naturally comes with the occupation," Yuri complimented.

Natsuki's eyes trailed down to the book. It was at that moment of clarity when she finally understood the shocking words she heard yesterday. Now I get why Sayori said, 'Good thing Shujinkou isn't here'...

Not too long after that revelation, the door swung open and Sayori jumped in. "Does anyone know where Fuyu's at? She's not at her office?"

"Don't you remember, Sayori? Monika told us that she was going with her to Adobansu," Yuri reminded her.

"Adobansu?" Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he pondered that name. He was sure that he had heard that it somewhere before. "Isn't that that school for really smart kids?"

"Yep. Essentially the 'better' version of all high schools," Natsuki nonchalantly flipped to the next the page of the book.

"There's Wally," Shujinkou announced.

"...How do you keep doing that?" Natsuki marveled.

Guess I can't gamble any sweets today... Sayori cradled her knees as she lamented her lost chance.

Meanwhile, a gentle breeze caressed Monika's face as she followed Fuyu through an upper class neighborhood. It was a clear sign that the cooler months were on they're way. Thinking about those next few months excited Monika. She wasn't quite sure what was going to happen, but she was sure that it would be fun.

"Thanks again for coming with, Monika. I just don't know if I can be in that meeting room alone again."

"No problem," Monika assured her with a warm smile. "But I gotta ask, what's so bad about meeting with the other school president?"

A small frown rested on Fuyu's lips and she averted her gaze. "...Hopefully you won't find out."

Though curious, Monika decided to press any further. For all she knew, she may not want to know.

Continuing their journey to the fated place, the two finally arrived at Adobansu. Nostalgia hit Monika all at once as she laid eyes on the school again. Somehow, the sheer scale of the exterior was still awe-inspiring. It had the appearance of any other exclusive school one would find on TV, but it still had air to it that commanded respect.

"Here we are. Time to get our game faces on," Fuyu instructed.

"But I don't have a game face," Monika giggled.

"Right... That's just me," Fuyu sighed as she adjusted her glasses. In just the blink of an eye, her demeanor changed into one of a professional, no nonsense individual. "Let's go."

One thought was on Monika's mind as followed Fuyu into the school. Fuyu will most likely be in "President Mode" until we get off of school grounds.

As she followed her President throughout the school, Monika took the opportunity to examine her surroundings. Just like the last time she was there, the inside was neat and pristine. Students roamed around, hulling around projects and experiments that normal schools would be lucky to perform once. With the tuition cost to attend this school, it was no wonder that the school had such an "advanced" air to it.

The only thing that was the same as other schools was the presence of school uniforms. It was the standard ensemble of Adobansu; boys wore jet black colored jackets, a vest and slacks, while girls wore skirts and could alternated between colored jackets and their school vests. But though that was the standard ensemble, it appears that the students were now allowed to wear whatever kind of shirt they desired.

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