Shujinkou's Turbulent Weekend Part 2

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"So, if there was ever an apocalypse, what do you think your chances of survival are?" Shujinkou knew it was an out of nowhere question, but it was the first topic that came to mind after desperately searching for one that could distract him from the ambiguity of his current trip.

Monika glanced back at him. Confusion rested on her face before it was suddenly replaced with an interested smile. "What kind of apocalypse?"

"Um..." Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he pondered possibilities. "People reanimating into zombies after initial death?"

"Um... I think I could make it to the post-apocalypse phase. Zombies are kinda slow and easy to distinguish from the front. What about you?"

"I think I would be one of the victims of ground zero. What about a bio-hazardous apocalypse?"

"Depends on the outbreak."

"Um... Ancient insects that inhabit the body?"

"Las Plagas?"

Shujinkou's eyes slightly widened with surprise. "Yeah."

"We should both be fine if I stay away from needles," Monika assured him with smile.

The young man scratched his right cheek as he considered what he had just learned. He felt a little guilty about being surprised, but he didn't expect Monika to understand his reference. With that knowledge in hand...

"What about the T-Virus?"

"Probably Ground Zero."

"Engineered Mold?"

"Ground Zero."

Shujinkou chuckled at her responses. He figured that Monika would be an action heroine in those scenarios and the different opinions was funny enough for his earlier desperation to vanish completely.

As he continued to follow Monika along a slightly beaten forested path, he began to recall how he ended up joining her in this endeavor.

It happened just the day before after taking a bite out of the sea-salt ice cream Monika had presented to him after returning home. "So... You were here the whole day making sea-salt ice cream with Mom?"

"Not the whole time," she answered. "I just happened to be in the neighborhood after visiting Sayori. You weren't here and one thing led to another."

"Oh. But, if you were just passing by just to say hi, how come you just didn't call me?"

"Because it wouldn't be the same as in person."

"Oh." Shujinkou scratched his right cheek. From his return home to this point in their conversation, Monika appeared to be her usual cordial self. Such an observation narutrally left him very surprise when he compared it to their last conversation. "Monika doesn't seem mad at me either..."

"Why would I be mad at you?" Monika curiously questioned.

"Huh?!" Intense self-loathing and embarrassment circulated through the very core of his being the second he realized his mistake. "Well, yesterday and everything..."

"Oh that? That's not really anything to be upset with you about. You were just trying to help out. Besides, I wouldn't really be in a position to be mad anyway."

"You wouldn't? How come?"

"Well, I already kissed you once and that was to hide a secret. You were going to do it for something a lot more altruistic."

"Oh," Shujinkou awkwardly scratched his right cheek. Though he appreciated such assurance, something still felt... off.

"But anyway, I didn't come here to talk about that. There was actually another reason I came over."

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