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Hiro hugged the pillow in her grasp closer as she watched the credits of the film she had just finished started to crawl up the screen. A small smile crossed her face; partially due to her enjoyment of the film and partially because she knew she subjected herself to hearing the verse "Why Should I Worry?" in her head for the rest of the day.

"That song is stuck in your head too now, isn't it?" Akira asked.

Hiro nodded her head. "I don't think anyone can watch Oliver and Company without having that song stuck in their head for awhile."

"But that was an entertaining and nicely animated movie. I know it wasn't part of my quest to watch Disney Renaissance, but still a worthwhile watch. What does that leave us with?"

"I think The Rescuers Down Under, Pocahontas and The Hunchback of Notre Dame."

He was surprised to hear that there were only three films left, though he also felt the surprise was somewhat ironic when he recalled the surprise Hiro had when he stated he never watched any of them.

I used to feel like the only one in the world that never watched The Lion King. Can't believe it took me so long to watch some of these films.

"Should we spin to see which movie's next?" Hiro proposed.

"That depends," Akira replied. "What time is it?"

Hiro glanced down at her phone. "About when afterschool clubs are in full swing."

"We'll have to save it for next time then," Akira said, standing up.

"Right..." Hiro lamented. "Wouldn't want another case of no club today appearance that makes me feel like a horrible, lying mother because I've been hiding something from my son for a long time.

The guilt of hiding her relationship was always there to varying degrees. At times, it rises to the point of self-deprecation, but when it does...

"You're not a terrible mother," Akira tenderly cupped Hiro's face in his hands. "You're just concerned about you son."

"Y-Yeah... I know, I was just..." Hiro always felt herself briefly mesmerized during these moments. "I felt really powerless to do anything to help him when he was depressed all those years and I've been hiding this while it was still going on."

"It hasn't been that long."

"Still happened then."

Akira remained silent before asking, "Speaking of which, how is Shujinkou?"

"He himself is fine, but he's really concerned with his friends right now, which really means that he's not really fine since he's like me when it comes to worrying," Hiro replied with a sad chuckle. "Like how I'm worried about him being worried while also being worried about his friends too,"

"It's okay to worry, Hiro. Just remember don't let it get you down so much that you start taking cheap shots at yourself. Besides, I'd rather you focus on your supporting your family than thinking of ways to slip in that you're dating someone. That can always be for later."

She's heard that before a few times too, but she always wondered if he was just saying that for her sake.

"I know I've asked this before, but it really doesn't bother you at all? A part of you doesn't mind at all?" Hiro asked.

Akira smiled, showing no hesitation as he answered.

"To be perfectly honest, the only place you're hiding this fact is your own home, so I don't really have much to be annoyed with. Also, I get to satisfy my inner child wish of being sneaky. But most of all, that concern you have for others is one of the things I greatly admire about you.

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