chapter two

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:continuing from previous chapter:

Noah had finished getting his clothes together so they walked over to Mabel's house, they walked in and Mabel shouted her mum" mum", but no answer, " wait here babe" said Mabel letting go off Noah's hand, she walked through the living room and she went to her mums room" mum" said Mabel," what" said mum, " Noah's here" said Mabel, " what" said mum getting out off bed and checking in the mirror," hi I am Mabel's mum"," hi" said Noah, Mabel went over to him and held his hand, " we're going upstairs bye" said Mabel," okay bye and are you's going out" asked mum," aye we are going out with pals but Noah is staying here tonight mum and he is sleeping in my bed with me and i am locking my door" said Mabel," that's fine" said mum," okay", Noah and Mabel went to her room, " does your mum spend most of her day in her room" asked Noah," aye its because she has a boyfriend and you know what people are like when they first move in with each other they are in bed making out and kissing, once I went in to talk to her and she was lying on Keith like as if they had been kissing" said Mabel sitting at her makeup table, " maybe they had" said Noah on his phone lying on her bed," aye I know they where" said Mabel putting cream on her face," I don't know why I am getting ready the now" she added," I know neither do a" said Noah," what time are we going out" asked Mabel," I think Kirsty said 9:00" said Noah, " aye a remember now" said Mabel , she went and lay beside Noah on her bed and cuddled into him with her arm over his tummy and one of her leg over his leg," knock knock"," who is it" asked Mabel," mum", " come in" said Mabel, " can you babysit for half an hour" asked mum," but I am going out" said Mabel," when are you going out" asked mum," 9:00" said Mabel," well I need you to babysit the now for half an hour while I nip out" said mum leaning against the door frame," cant Keith do it" asked Mabel," how can you not give a simple aye or no instead of arguing and no Keith is coming with me" said mum," fine I will don't be long but" said Mabel," thanks bye" shouted mum," bye", Mabel could hear her mum getting the car keys and the front door shutting.

" do you want to go downstairs" asked Mabel," aye" answered Noah getting off the bed, they headed to the kitchen to see what they could eat, when Mabel was in the fridge Noah crept up behind her and started kissing her neck, Mabel turned around and kissed his lips, " can you stop laughing" asked Stephanie coming through to the kitchen when they where kissing," we weren't laughing" said Mabel," well can you stop kissing then" said Steph," no we'll kiss if we want to kiss" said Mabel, her wee sister sighed and walked back through to the living room to watch tv, and Mabel and Noah carried on kissing, they stopped and went to go and sit in the living room, they sat next to each other and Noah had one arm around her and Mabel and one leg bent on him and he had his hand on it and they where also holding hands, " how is that fair that I am not allowed a boyfriend but your allowed one" said Steph," because I am older and more sensible than you are" said Mabel, a little giggle came from Noah's mouth," eh excuse me" said Mabel," a never meant to laugh" said Noah," naw don't speak to me" said Mabel getting up and walking to the kitchen, Noah followed after and he grabbed her and started tickling her," fuck off" said Mabel laughing as a joke, he continued tickling her, " stop it babe" said Mabel, he still did it," babe I swear if I need to tell you again to stop it I am actually going to boot you" said Mabel, Noah picked her up and carried her up the stairs," fucking put me down now your actually going to drop me or something" shouted Mabel screaming and laughing, she ran back out the room and into the living room and sat on the couch, then Noah walked in and threw himself on the couch and started kissing her on the neck," can yous be quiet" said Steph," naw who you talking to" said Mabel," you"," cheeky bam" said Mabel under her breath.

They where still sitting on the couch and he was still kissing her neck, " can you go upstairs please and watch YouTube in your room" asked Mabel," no I want to stay here" said Steph, Mabel looked at Noah he looked back at her and pecked her, she got up and went through to the kitchen," what do you want to eat" asked Mabel to Steph," I don't know" said Steph back," well come through and tell me what you want then once you've made your decision" said Mabel," okay" replied Steph. Mabel and Noah where in the kitchen she was tiding up when Noah was sitting at the breakfast bar, Mabel was at the sink washing dishes and Noah walked up to her and touches her waist," you know what" he whispered," what" Mabel asked," you look sexy as fuck standing there cleaning dishes with your back to me" said Noah, " uh away and talk shite" said Mabel laughing at him and turning around, she started pecking him he touched her arse and pulled it closer to him she touched his back and then his neck, he lifted her on the counter and kissed her neck.

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