Chapter six

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It was nearly Christmas and Isabella was 6 months old, she was learning to crawl, Noah was 17 after Christmas in April, and Mabel was 17 in June, Isabella is 1 in March, it was a Monday and it was 6:22 in the morning and Isabella was just wakening up, Mabel's mum was planning to move house to a massive one, her and Keith had been together for 1 and a half years, they where in love, anyway Isabella was playing in her cot while Noah and Mabel where still sleeping, Mabel had just woken up not long after, she rubbed her eyes, " Morning baby girl" said Mabel to Isabella lifting her up, Isabella smiled," Who's mummy's baby" said Mabel opening the bedroom door, she turned the light off and walked down stairs, Keith was away to work early this morning, she had opened the kitchen door and sat Isabella in her highchair, she started crying, Mabel was making her some cereal to eat, she stopped as she was eating, Mabel's mum came through full of the cold," You ok, you look pure rough" said Mabel, " Naw am fucked, me and Keith had an argument this morning on the phone, so am raging, a havent slept in like 2 nights, Steph is doing ma fucking heed in, and a canny be fucked with anyone" said Mum," Wow ok, well me n Noah are going to school to get our leavers form signed a can take Steph" said Mabel," Aye please do, am going back to bed all day, Keith isn't back till like after dinner so a get peace n quiet" said Kayleigh getting a glass of water, she gave Mabel her phone to read her n Keith's messages.

( The bold Messages are Kayleigh + the normal messages are Keith)

" Have you thought about the house yet?" " Naw, no had time to even look" " well am at work and Your not doing anything" " Wit do you mean am not doing anything, a clean up all the time" " Aye not very often" " What do you want me to, become a housewife" " Aye it would get you to do something" " Fuck that a do a lot of shit, beside cooking your fucking dinner, doing your washing" "Aye well maybe its time to start looking for a house and planning it for Mabel's kid n Stephanie" " aye fuck off"

" Fuck that" said Mabel wiping Isabella's mouth, " I know am fucking dreading it" said Kayleigh," Right shout me when your going out" said Kayleigh walking into her room," A will" said Mabel picking Isabella up and walking upstairs.

It was 10:04 and Mabel and Noah where getting ready, " Steph get ready" said Mabel, " Oki" she said back to Mabel, Mabel was putting Isabella into her pram, she was strapping her in, Noah was getting his shoes on, " Mum that's us away" said Mabel picking up the pram bag and putting it on the handles," Right bye" said Kayleigh," Bye" said Mabel walking out.

Steph was pushing the pram while Noah and Mabel where walking behind holding hands, " crossover" said Mabel to Steph, they got to the school, Steph waited outside the school while Noah and Mabel went to Miss Matthews, " Knock knock" she chapped," Hello come in" she said, Mabel and Noah walked in to her office, " Oh my god, what a surprise" said Miss Matthews," Heyy" said Mabel and Noah," So where is your daughter" said the head teacher," Aww Steph is standing outside with Her" said Mabel," So you come in and see me because am the best teacher and you don't bring her" said the head teacher," Noah go and get them bring them in" said Mabel sitting down.

They walked in the office door, Mabel got up and took her out the pram, " she's your double Mabel" she said," I don't think so, i think she looks more like Noah than me" said Mabel," No she looks like you alot" said Miss Matthews, " Aww well" said Mabel," Whats her name" she asked," Isabella Kayleigh Charrington" said Mabel smiling," That's a pretty name" said Miss Matthews," Anyways how can i help" she added, " we need these signed we are leaving school" said Mabel," What no you can't leave" said the head teacher," I know it wasn't our plan, but then this young lady came along and we don't have time to leave her and pick her up, and with us maybe moving house doesn't work around her, we need something that we can do without interrupting school life" said Mabel," Yeah aw well it was nice to get to know you both, and i will now get to know you Steph and please let's hope your like your sister" said the head teacher smiling," Can you sign these please" said Mabel handing them over," Yes of course" she said, she had signed them, " come here" said Miss Matthews standing up and giving them a hug," bye bye Isabella" she added.

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