Chapter Twelve

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2 Months had passed and Olli and Mabel had been together for nearly 5 months, It was a Sunday night, Mabel normally gets her period at the start of the month but she did not have it for a wee while, this only meant one thing, she luckily had some Pregnancy tests in the cupboard in the bathroom, she took one out, she peed on it and left it for 20 minutes, she came back and looked at it, it said " Pregnant" she smiled, Olli was out the back having a fag so Mabel wanted to wait to tell him, It was also Olli's birthday tomorrow, so Mabel had bought him presents obv and had bought him presents from the kids, anyhow she had bought him trainers which where like £120, so they where good, anyway she put the tests in the box with the shoes and decided to give it to him as an early birthday present, she walked down stairs with it, Olli came back in the house and sat his fags and lighter on the counter.

" Eh What's this?" he asked," Your early birthday present" said Mabel, " No why are you not giving it to me tomorrow when my real birthday is" asked Olli laughing," Because" said Mabel, he sat down with the box and opened it, " New shoes" he said, and then underneath them was the test, he took them out the box and seen the tests, he read it, he looked at Mabel," Am going to be a dad" he said," Yep" said Mabel, Olli hugged her, she made an appointment to get a scan.

Olli was tidying the kitchen while listening to tunes, he was in such a good mood and was so so so happy, Mabel was lying on the couch, she was looking on her socials again, she was about to go and visit her mum and Keith and Steph, she got of the couch and shoved her flipflops on, she gave Olli a kiss, she walked out the house, she got to her mum's house 5 minutes after, she got out the car and opened the door and walked in, Her mum was 42 and Keith was 44, Mabel walked through to the living room and mum and Keith where watching a movie, " Heyy" said Mabel," Hi" said them both," What you doing" asked Mabel, " Aww nothing just chilling" said Mum," What about you" she added," Nothing much just been doing the same to be honest" said Mabel," Where's Olli and the kids" Asked Kayleigh," Home, Olli's tidying up and the kids are probably doing the same" said Mabel," Aw" they said," Where's Steph" asked Mabel," Upstairs" said Kayleigh, Mabel got up and headed upstairs, " Knock Knock" Mabel knocked on the door," Come in" said Steph, Mabel went in," Aww hi" said Steph," Heyy, Listen do you have any nice high heels" asked Mabel," Aye" said Steph going into her wardrobe," How what you doing" said Steph," It's Olli's birthday tomorrow and we are going out crazy golfing and then going to dinner" said Mabel," Aww" said Steph giving her a few options on High heels," I'll take the gold ones" said Mabel," K" said Steph giving them to her," Now listen I really hope you don't mind being an auntie for the 3rd time" said Mabel laughing," Omg your pregnant again" said Steph," Shh yeah" said Mabel," Don't tell mum, but this is the last one I promise" said Mabel," Haha you fucking said that when you had Isabella" said Steph laughing," Aye well obviously me and that dick where going to have another one, but now Olli's the dad" said Mabel," How's Noah a Dick" said Steph," Have you not heard" said Mabel," Nope how what happened" said Steph," He shoved a letter in Isabella's pocket and then told them that it should be him touching me not fucking Olli" said Mabel, " Fuck sake that's bad" said Steph," A know" said Mabel.

She was away back downstairs talking to her mum and Keith, she was about to leave, she walked out the house, she told her Mum and Keith about her being pregnant, she got in the car and drove off, she smiled to herself.

She got home the traffic was terrible at this time, she walked in the house, Olli was chilling on the couch, it was 3, Mabel sat the car keys on the hall cabinet, she went and said hi to Olli and gave him a kiss, she went in the kitchen and made herself a coffee, " Babe what are you wearing tomorrow" said Mabel coming through with her coffee, " Probably just jeans and a shirt" said Olli, " Okay" said Mabel getting up and walking up stairs, she went into their room and sat her coffee on the drawers, she went into the wardrobe and picked out her outfit which was blue skinny jeans and a baby blue top which tucked into her jeans with a belt, she got the ironing board out the cupboard, Isabella came in and was talking to her mum," What you wearing" said mum," Don't know yet" said Isabella," right go and get your stuff ready and bring it through here" said Mum, Owen went running in the room and swiped past her coffee which made it fall and go everywhere," for fuck sake well done" said Mabel," Sorry mum" said Owen, he tried to pick the cup up," Just get out my fucking way, get out" shouted Mabel, Owen went out into his own room, Mabel walked down stairs with her cup and shoved it in the sink, she got the carpet cleaner and walked back upstairs, she sprayed loads and then got the carpet scraper and scraped it off, it worked, she had done the ironing and was going back downstairs.

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