Chapter eight

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3 Months passed, and Noah was 17 and it was now May, Isabella said her first word which was daddy and Mabel was raging, Mabel was pregnant and you could tell, she was due in August the 16th, the family had moved into their new house like 1 week ago, Mabel and Noah where still sorting out Isabella's room and their own, they bought a new cot, which was like £400.99 it was black metal feet, they bought a new bed as Mabel's one was getting old, Keith got to come home as mum needed help with the house, Mabel's dad was looking after Isabella today while Mabel and Noah where going out shopping for things, he was coming to pick her up in 5 minutes so Mabel was getting her ready, he chapped the door, Mabel's mum looked at her, Mabel opened the door" her stuff are in there, and her bottle is in the bottom of the pram" said Mabel," Right thankyou" said her dad," Al phone you when we are back" said Mabel, " Okay" said John," bye bye baby, you be good" said Mabel, she shut the door.

Her and Noah where away out, they got the train," You need to start your lessons soon" said Mabel," I know" said Noah, they where only getting off in 1 stop, they got off about 10 minutes after and walked into the street, they went into home bargain's as they do good home things, they went to the bedroom section and Mabel seen a mirror for like £6 it was like white and glittery, Noah took it of the shelf and put it in the trolley, Mabel's phone started ringing, she answered it," Hello", " Hi are you going in Home Bargain's" asked her mum," Am in the now" said Mabel," See if you see any Smith n Locks door handles, can you get 3 please" asked her mum," Aye anything else" asked Mabel," No" said mum," Can you put money into my account" asked Mabel smiling at Noah," Aye" said Mum," Thanks" said Mabel hanging up, she put her phone in her pocket and started walking, they went to the tools bit," Tell me if you see a smith n Lock door handle" said Mabel, Noah seen them," How many" asked Noah reaching up," 3" said Mabel laughing, he flung them in the trolley, they went over to the duvet section and Mabel seen a little pink frilly cot duvet, she picked it up, it was only a fiver, she put it in the trolley, she took her phone out to google the size of bed, it was a big double she looked for duvet sets, she found a white one with grey pillow cases, she got 2 just to be safe.

They had bought everything they needed in home bargain's so they went to a toy shop, they spotted a wee set of drawers for Isabella's room, Mabel phoned her mum and asked her to pick them up after they had finished, they got the drawers, they needed a wee wardrobe for Isabella, Mabel and Noah's room had a walk in wardrobe, they found a middle sized wardrobe.

Mabel had phoned her mum to go and get them, they started to put the boxes in the back of the car, it was a struggle but they managed it, Mabel got an Email saying that her Cot was getting delivered today, so she was happy, they got home and started to hoover Isabella's room, the door went, Noah went and answered it, him and Keith lifted the cot upstairs and into the room, Noah cut the box opened with a knife, there where like 20 bits to it, he went downstairs and borrowed Keith's Hammer and drill, Mabel was hanging up things in the room, Noah was getting stressed out," Why the fuck put things in it if you don't fucking need them" he said, Mabel tried not to laugh.

Noah had just finished putting the cot together like 1 hour after," your just so clever" said Mabel hugging him, they moved the cot around so many times but Isabella's room was quite big, so you go in the door and there is like a wall but you go around the corner and they have sat her cot there, and they have built the drawers, the window sits across from the cot, so they have put the set of drawers next to the window, Mabel had put a lamp on them and a few toys.

She phoned her dad to drop Isabella off, it was 6:30, he had dropped her off 10 minutes ago, Mabel was running her a bath because she had been sick, while she was doing that, Noah was putting her clothes into her drawer, her mum had bought her wee compartments for her like vests socks and Pyjamas. So Noah had put Vests, socks up the top, and wee tops Jumpers in the second, and in the 3rd was jeans, leggings, and shorts, and then in the bottom where her shoes, she undressed Isabella and put her in the bath, she played with her toys, Mabel was splashing a tiny bit, she took Isabella out after washing her and wrapped her in a towel, she took her through to Isabella's room and dried her, Noah was making her bed, her mum found a telly up in the loft and gave it to Isabella, Mabel got Isabella into Pyjamas, she went down stairs to get a bottle, her dad had fed her dinner so she was just going to bed, Noah turned the tv on and lay her in bed, Mabel tucked her in and said goodnight, Noah turned peppa pig on, but he put an half an hour timer on the tv, so after half an hour went the tv would turn off, they shut the curtains and turned the light off, they closed the door over.

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