Chapter Nine

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3 years have passed, Mabel had another wee baby who was a boy Owen he was 3 now, and Isabella was 4 turning 5, she was starting school in a couple of months, Mabel was 18 and Noah was 19, time has came on so quickly, Mabel's mum and Keith had got married, Steph was in s3, and Mabel's nana had passed away of old age, she was 92, everyone had missed her, Noah was away working in England still he had been doing that job for 3 years now, he is getting quite bored of it, as he would like to be home with his kids and his girlfriend, and Mabel and Noah can both drive now, so when Noah was going to work Mabel took him to the train station so she could have the car.

Mabel and Noah where thinking of buying a flat as they didnt have really any room in the house the now, like living with her mum and all that, she had been looking at local flats, Noah was away from 4 nights this time, and he had just left today, it was January the 3rd, Owen's birthday is In August the 23rd, he was late, he was the spitting image of Noah and as Isabella was getting older she was starting to look like Mabel, Isabella was getting very sassy and she would tell everyone everything so you had to be careful of what you said to her. It was coming up to 7:30 and Mabel was running a bath for Isabella and Owen to go in together, they where in, Mabel washed Owen while Isabella tried to wash herself, they both came out and where sitting on the couch downstairs watching tv, " Stephanie" shouted Mabel," Wit" said Steph on her phone," keep an eye on Isabella n Owen am going for a shower".

Mabel was out and she was sitting out the back, she had bought herself a vape, her mum started smoking, she was sitting out the back with Mabel," A pure miss Noah already" said Mabel," You would but" said Mum," You would think i would be used to it, but i am really not" said Mabel," Haha i know" said her mum squashing her fag into the ground and putting it in the ash tray, Noah was phoning Mabel.

They where on the phone, " Are the kids still up" asked Noah," Isabella is but Owen is away to bed" said Mabel," Aw, a miss you's all so much" said Noah," A miss you too babe, i was saying that to my mum, a was like you'd think I'd be used to it, but it's still hard to believe that i am going to be sleeping in bed tonight myself, Its lonely baby" said Mabel," Aw well in 4 days you will not be getting to sleep aha" said Noah laughing," Anyways i have a surprise for you, but i will give it to you when i get home" said Noah, " Ohh can't wait handsome" said Mabel," Isabella wants to talk to you" said Mabel," Hi daddy" she said," Hi, how's you" he asked," Good i start school soon" said Isabella," I know your getting to growing up" said Noah," When you coming home daddy" asked Isabella," On Wednesday" said Noah having a fag quickly, " Right say night to daddy and you'll speak to him tomorrow after his work," Night night daddy" said Isabella," Night baby love you" said Noah," Night daddy" Isabella blew a kiss.

Isabella and Owen where sleeping, Mabel was in her bed, she was watching the tv.

It was 10:19 and Mabel was up and showered, her mum wanted to go shopping, Steph was at school and Keith was working so it was just them, Mabel had the kids ready and she was about to put them in the car, Mabel was driving, her mum had came out and locked the door and got in the car, Mabel turned the car on, and drove to the shop, it was like 20 minutes away from their house, they got out the car, Mabel was putting Owen in the trolley and then her mum pushed it and Isabella was holding on to the trolley.

" Mummy" said Isabella, " What" said her mum," Can we get sweeties" she asked," No hen we have sweets in the sweetie drawer" said Mabel holding her hand, " But i want new sweeties" said Isabella," I said we have some in the house" said Mabel," I dont like them ones" said Isabella," I don't care sweeties are bad for you" said Mabel," i dont care i like them" said Isabella, " shut up" said Mabel.

Isabella was being cheeky and bad, " Isabella stop it or your going to your bed and not getting sweeties" said Mabel grabbing her hand, " I want sweeties from here" said Isabella," Your not getting anything from here" said Mabel getting annoyed," Please mummy" said Isabella starting to cry," Nope" she said," Pleaseee" said Isabella," Right am phoning your dad" said Mabel," Please mummy" said Isabella," Isabella that's enough now" said her gran meaning Kayleigh, Mabel walked off to get stuff she didnt want Isabella to go with her," Mummyy" said Isabella," Your mum is annoyed at you" said Kayleigh," Mummy" said Isabella crying, Kayleigh lifted her into the trolley with her brother, Mabel came back with a can of cider and bottle of Vodka, she took Isabella with her to pay, she was refusing to go out the trolley," Move" said Mabel," Noo" said Isabella," Move now" said Mabel getting really angry, she picked her up out the trolley and carried her to the checkout, she bought 2 packets of fags for her and her mum, she went back to her mum and told her she's going in the car, Isabella was still crying.

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