Chapter thirteen

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Mabel had her third baby boy called Cooper, he was so cute, everyone was home and Cooper was sleeping, and the kids were at school, Mabel was sleeping and Olli was downstairs tidying, Mabel woke up and stretched, she walked downstairs," Hey" said Olli," Hi" said Mabel giving him a hug she tiptoed and gave him a kiss, she checked on Cooper and he was sleeping in his crib with a dummy in, Mabel went through to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, she made it and sat down on the couch, Olli sat next to her they where sitting on their phones, Mabel got up and put her cup in the sink, she walked upstairs and went into her room, her mum phoned her, " Hello" said Mabel," Hi" said her mum," what's up" said Mabel," Nothing just phoned to check in, Is it okay if you come and pick your sister she's doing my head in" said her mum," How what's up with her" asked Mabel," Don't know something to do with her and her boyfriend" said mum," Okay I'll come soon" said Mabel, she put her phone down and started getting changed," Olli" said Mabel walking down the stairs," What" said Olli," Can you look after Cooper and pick the kids up from school" asked Mabel," Aye" said Olli," Thanks babe" said Mabel giving him a kiss and walking out the house.

She arrived at her mum's house and beeped the horn, Steph came out and got in the car," Hey" said Mabel," Hi" said Steph, " so mum said something's going on between you and your boyfriend what's up" said Mabel," He's just been a dick" said Steph," How" said Mabel," It feels like he forgets about me and what I need" said Steph," In what way does he forget you" said Mabel indicating right," He forgets to message me back even though he has seen it, or I ask a question and he sees it but doesnt answer, or he is meant to come over but makes other plans instead" said Steph," Get him to fuck" said Mabel, " I know but I love him so much" said Steph," Get rid of him the now before it's to late" said Mabel," Yeah" said Steph, " So how's Cooper" asked Steph," I know I shouldn't say this but sometimes I forget he's there he's to quiet, he doesnt cry or anything just sleeps and laughs, he's already a daddy's boy" said Mabel laughing," Haha, how's you and Olli" Asked Steph," Aye alright, sometimes I compare him to Noah and all the things that Olli does that Noah never done, I love him, he's like my soulmate if you get what I mean, he can wind me up a lot but as a joke" said Mabel, " That's good" said Steph.

Mabel had dropped Steph off an hour later it was 3:23 and Mabel was driving back home, she got to the house, she was on her phone still in the car, she took the key out the car and stepped out of it, she got in the house and sat the key's on the front door, Olli was feeding Cooper and the kids where sitting at the table doing their homework," Hi mummy" said Owen," Hi, how was school" asked Mabel," Good" said Owen and Isabella, Olli and Mabel were in the kitchen, Olli was standing texting on his phone and Mabel was cooking the dinner, Mabel sat the spoon on the counter, she went and hugged Olli," You okay" asked Olli," Yeah just tired" said Mabel," You can go and lie down and I can cook the rest of the dinner" said Olli," No it's fine" said Mabel giving him a kiss, Olli deepened the kiss, Mabel stepped back and Olli stepped with her," Mmmhm" said Mabel, Olli kissed her cheek and looked at her, he walked away to go into the living room, Mabel served the dinner, they all ate their dinner, the kids where getting washed and into bed as it was 9, Cooper was in his bed already, Mabel was ironing Olli's work shirt and trousers while he was away to his mum and dad's, Owen had been in the shower for 10 minutes now, " Owen get a move on your sister needs a shower" said Mabel putting the ironing bored away in the cupboard, Owen came out and Isabella went in.

Everyone were in bed, Cooper is in a crib in Owen's room as it is bigger than Isabella's, Mabel and Olli were watching a movie in their bed while on their phones, Mabel sat her phone to the side and plugged it on charge, she started dossing off to sleep, Olli turned the tv off and sat his phone on charge too, he tucked Mabel in and kissed her forehead, he laid back and went to sleep, the both fell asleep, it was 7:49 and Mabel's Alarm went off, She got up, Olli was already up and away to work, she went and got Cooper and took him downstairs, she got the kids up too and made them breakfast, she switched the tv on for them, she went into the kitchen, Olli had left a note for her on the fridge, she looked at it and it said " Morning gorgeous hope you had a good sleep, I will be home at 4 or 5, I love you baby see you later xxx" she smiled to herself and put toast in the toaster for the kids, she gave them toast, Isabella and Owen were dressed they where getting their shoes on, Mabel was putting Cooper's snowsuit on and putting him in the bouncy pram, he was 3 weeks old today, the kids got their school bags on and walked out the house, Mabel's car was in the garage getting checked so she was walking the kids to school, she locked the door after them, they started walking, " Cross kids" said Mabel, they both ran across the road.

They got to the school," Bye see you later" said Mabel," Bye" said them both, Mabel started walking to her mum's, she got there and walked in the house, she left the pram in the hall and picked Cooper up and walked through to the living room, her mum was lying on the couch and Steph and Nathan were upstairs," Hi" said Mabel sitting down with Cooper," Hi" said her mum," What are you doing" asked her mum," Nothing much just dropped the kids off and came here" said Mabel," What you doing" she added," Nothing hen just having a lazy day, I am so tired" said her mum," Same" said Mabel, she walked upstairs to see her sister, " Knock knock" Mabel knocked on the door first, " Who is it" asked Steph, " Me" said Mabel opening the door, Steph was lying in between Nathan's legs with her head on his tummy, " Hey" said Steph," Hey" said Mabel she had Cooper in her arms," Coming to see your auntie" asked Steph to cooper, Mabel handed him to her and she held him and played with him.

Mabel went home 2 hours after, she got in the house it was 1:30 she put Cooper for a nap and tidied up, she did a wash and got it hung out, she lay on the couch and watched Netflix and went on her phone, 2 hours had passed and the kids and Olli where on their way home, Cooper was lying on the mat on the floor and kicking his feet in the air, Olli and the kids walked through the door and took their shoes and Jacket off, Mabel stood up and went into the kitchen. 

mabelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora