Chapter Five

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Mabel was 8 months pregnant and had finished up school as she could not go, and her and Noah had broken up and Tazmin had broke up with Steven to be with Noah, Mabel and Steven had gotten closer because of the situation they had been in, they had been over to each other's houses, Mabel and Noah had been broken up for 6 months now, but Mabel wasnt quite sure whether she was completely over him, or that she would ever trust him again.

Mabel was lying in her bed most of the time, and was today, she looked at her phone and seen a message from Steven, " Hey x" he said, " Hey x" said Mabel," What you up to x" said Steven," Nothing much wbu x" replied Mabel, " At school x " said Steven, " Awk aye, i might come in and visit everyone and be nosy x" said Mabel, " Please do x " said Steven, " Oki al be in soon x" said Mabel," Oki x " replied Steven.

Mabel got to the school and walked in, its was nearly lunch, and Steven walked out the building, he seen Mabel and walked over to her, " Hi " said Steven giving her a hug, " Hey" said Mabel, they walked into the canteen together, just to be awkward they sat at the table next to the couples, Noah and Tazmin walked over to the couple table holding hands, Mabel and Steven looked at each other and laughed, " Am glad you came, i was starting to get lonely" said Steven," Where you" said Mabel taking a sip of her water, " yeah" said Steven looking at her, he leaned in and kissed her, they where kissing for about 2 minutes and then stopped, Noah looked at Mabel and Mabel looked at Noah, they gave each other a look and then looked away," You ok" asked Steven touching Mabel's leg," Yeah of course are you" said Mabel, " Never been better" said Steven," Come to mine" whispered Mabel to Steven looking once again at Noah, " When" asked Steven," The now when do you think" said Mabel, " ok" said Steven getting up, they walked out the door.

They had arrived at Mabel's and where upstairs, Mabel lay on the bed as Steven hovered over her, he kissed her soft lips and pulled her, " Your so pretty" said Steven kissing her neck. Mabel's baby kicked her and she hurt her, " Oww" said Mabel, " you ok" asked Steven," yeah the little terror kicked me" said Mabel moving her phone away," What gender is it" asked Steven, " Its a girl" said Mabel smiling at him," Cute" said Steven, " Do you want to help me look after her" said Mabel," Mabel i don't know if i could" said Steven, " Well i don't have Noah anymore and i want you to help me look after her, because you will do a great job raising her with me" said Mabel." Can i think about it" asked Steven," Yeah sure" said Mabel.

Steven went home 2 hours after it, Mabel went down stairs to speak to her mum, " Hey" she said," Hey" said mum, " whats up" she added," nothing much" replied Mabel," What's with you and Steven then" said Mum," Nothing just became good friends" said Mabel," Is that what you call it" said Mum," Yes, we weren't as close but because of what happened between Noah and Tazmin that situation has bought us together to become best friends" said Mabel.

... Something happened... While they where talking, and which they had to rush to the hospital, Mabel's water had broken and she was going to go into labour, she gave her phone to her mum to call Steven, " Hi Steven, its Mabel's mum, you'll need to get to the hospital quick, Mabel is in Labour and wants you there" said Mum, " Be as quick as i can" said Steven and hung up, Mum messaged Noah while she was at it, " Here you kid, its Kayleigh, Mabel's in hospital in labour, so you can either be here and be nice, or not be here and not see your daughter" said Mum, Noah seen it and patched it.

Mabel was lying on the bed, and she seen Steven coming in, he walked over to her and held her hand, Mabel started screaming, " Breath babe breath" said Steven, Her mum was on the other side of her, as Mabel opened her eyes she seen Noah walking into the room, He was his self, " Whats he doing here" said Mabel," I gave him a choice" said Mum, Mabel started screaming again, " Mabel breath" said Steven stroking her head, the midwife came in to help Mabel make the process quicker.

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