Part Two

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Jamie fell back on the bed, exhausted. Even though he hadn't be driving or navigating or anything, riding in the car wore him out.

Turning over, he grabbed the TV remote and turned it on to the news.

"...And now, from Chicago, here's Katie live with the weather. Katie?"

"Well, Tom, it seems that there's a winter storm coming in from over Lake Michigan. Areas of up to 40 miles around the lake should be prepared to hunker down and celebrate this Thanksgiving indoors. Back to you, Tom."

"Thank you, Katie. Well folks, you heard her! Better be prepared to stay indoors this Thanksgiving season and be thankful you aren't traveling! Now, earlier today in ..."

Jamie turned off the TV with a groan. If Monica was watching the news, she was going to be pissed!

Drake hopped out of the shower, gingerly stepping on the bathmat. Shuddering, he remembered why he hadn't stayed at a motel for the longest time. Ugh!

Turning on the fan, he rubbed the mirror hoping to at least be able to see himself. Unfortunately, the mirrors had been fogged over enough that nothing he did made a difference.

He lingered in the bathroom for as long as he could, praying that by the time he got out of there, that Jamie had already fallen asleep. Cracking open the door, and peering outside, he grimaced. No such luck. Jamie was sprawled across the bed, staring at the television. Suddenly, he glanced up and saw Drake hovering there with only a towel around his waist.

"Oh, umm... Are your clothes out here?" He stuttered out.

Drake nodded, internally smiling at Jamie's increasingly red face.

"Yeah, I hate when I do that. Every time I travel, I always forget and so I have to walk out and it's incredibly awkward so I'll go into the bathroom now? I take it that you're done?" Without waiting for a reply, he darted into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. Drake almost laughed.

Jamie leaned against the door, his heart racing. That man was just... woah. He had been thinking nice innocent thoughts about how Monica was going to be upset and how he couldn't wait to see Lia and Mason again and then the bathroom door had opened ad it had been like BAM! In your face, gay boy's wet dream, 110% male hottness! The way that his towel was just starting to come undone, and show the 'V', the way that little droplets of water ran down his chest -- making him want to follow them all the way down! His dark eyes had followed Jamie as he stuttered and tried to appear unaffected by him. Jamie shivered.

Stripping off his clothes, he hopped in to the shower and almost hopped right back out. It was freezing! Dancing on his feet, Jamie tried to get as little water on him as he could.

After 5 minutes of waiting for the water to warm up, he finally gave up. Maybe the water would be warmer in the morning.

Creeping out of the bathroom, he glanced over at the bed. Drake was sitting with his back against the headboard, feet stretched out in front of him.

"H-i," Jamie stuttered.

"You forgot your clothes out here too, didn't you?" Drake smirked. Jamie could only nod.

"Alright, I'll close my eyes. But you'd better hurry because you have no idea how long they'll be shut for." Winking, Drake closed his eyes. Jamie stared at him, then ran to his suitcase, grabbing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. He quickly pulled them on, then glanced at Drake. He st there with a small smile on his face, as if he knew exactly what Jamie was doing.

"Um, you can open your eyes now. I'm all done." Drake's eyes flew open, taking in Jamie's state of semi-dress. Jamie fidgeted awkwardly under his assessing gaze. "Uh..."

Finally, Drake finished his perusal and laughed. "You look so uncomfortable, straight-boy! Just because we are traveling together doesn't mean I'm going to jump you!"

Jamie looked down at the floor, feeling strangely disappointed. "Can I have a blanket? I'll sleep on the couch, if you don't mind."


Startled, Jamie looked up. Drake was staring at him again. "I said I wasn't going to jump you and I mean it. This bed is big enough for both of us, now come on! It's cold out there!"

Jamie shivered, then burrowed deeper into the blankets. The arms around him tightened. He felt much warmer then he usually did, even at home. Monica never turned up the thermostat and she hoarded all of the blankets.

"Stop moving so much," a voice grumbled out from behind him. "It's too early."

Jamie nodded his head, then snuggled backwards, farther into the warmth.

Jamie shivered again. This time, lips were kissing his ear. Drake nuzzled his neck, then whispered, "Good morning, beautiful." Jamie frowned. Wait a minute...

"AHHH!" Jamie flung himself out of bed, pressing his back against the wall. Drake sat up quickly, then winced.

"Ooooh, head rush,"'

Jamie gaped at him. "Um, Drake?"


"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"What you just did there, with the whole snuggling and the ear thing and--"

Drake laughed. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"Ooookay. I'm...gonna brush my teeth." Jamie quickly darted into the bath room and slammed the door.

Drake lay back on the bed with a flop. He had been enjoying such a good dream. Or at least, he had woken up from a good dream. And he had to go and ruin it all with...a snuggle?

Shaking his head, he rolled out of bed. He rubbed his eyes then stumbled to his suitcase. Pulling on some jeans and a sweater, he lumbered over to the door. He was in desperate need of some breakfast.

As he walked by the bathroom door, he knocked on it and heard Jamie gasp. "I'm going to go down and get some breakfast. I'll be back in about 15 minutes."

Without waiting for a reply, he strode out the door.

Broodingly, Drake stared at him cup of coffee. Jamie was taking forever with his packing. He was almost worse than a girl!

After Drake had drunk his coffee and memorized all of the license plates, Jamie finally appeared. He looked haggard, as though he had just been chewed out by his wife. Drake winced at the slight pain that ran through his chest at the thought.

"Can we leave now?" Jamie asked tiredly. "Monica is in an even bitchier mood than usual and I just need to get home as soon as I can."

"Well, then let's see what we can do!"

A Not So Happy Thanksgiving (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now