Part Four

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Hands were running down his chest, gliding over his abs and caressing the skin above his waist. His nipples were hard points and his breath was coming out in quick pants. The hands continued their movement, jumped over the area he wanted to be touched most desperately, and skimmed down his legs. After much torture, finally, pressure was put on his erection and he moaned in happiness. A light chuckle sounded above him and he looked up to see...Jamie?

Drake woke up with a gasp, the dream still running through his mind. He knew his fascination with Jamie was starting to reach dangerous levels, especially now that he was fantasizing about him. He glanced over at Jamie, who luckily hadn't noticed anything. He looked over his shoulder out the window and saw the brights lights of the city growing steadily brighter.

"Are we almost there?" His voice was raspy from disuse and he had to clear his throat a few times before he sounded remotely human. Jamie turned to look at him.

"Yeah, the drive just made an announcement that we'd be there within 15 minutes."

"Oh thank God!" Drake groaned out.

The bus finally pulled into the station and both men jumped to their feet. They hurried off the bus, glad to be done with that horrendous leg of the journey. When Jamie would've exited the station, Drake stopped him.

"Wait a moment. I'm going to ask for a map and ask about the nearest hotel."

"Oh. Of course." Jamie watched Drake stride away, confident even though neither knew anything about where they were. He felt a tug of attraction as he watched his broad back flex under his t-shirt and couldn't believe that this man was traveling with him.

"Ready?" Jamie had been so immersed in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed Drake returning. "I talked to the person and she said that there's a motel just around the corner. She's not sure about rooms, because it is so close to Thanksgiving, but all the others are rather far away. Too far for us to walk. So...let's go!"

Drake led the way out of the train station and toward the motel.

"Did y-you ask h-her w-where w-we could b-buy some c-clothes?" Jamie shivered.

"Yeah, there's a target between here and the airport, and we can stop there in the morning." Drake looked over at Jamie, taking in his almost blue lips and frozen cheeks. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Y-yeah. W-we're almost t-there, r-right?"

"Yup, right here." Drake opened the door for Jamie and all but shoved him inside.

Drake maneuvered him to the fireplace and left him there as he got them a room. As Jamie dethawed, he could almost here Drake in the background:

"...double room..."

" more available?"

"Well, what do..."

"...if that's the only option..."

Jamie tuned him out, focused more on getting warm then caring about what their rooming situation would be.

"Hey." Jamie turned around. "So, it turns out that there are no more double beds available. We get, surprise, surprise, a single queen!"

"Why does this always happen to us?"

Drake gave him a wry look. "Don't ask me."

Drake couldn't think of anything he would like more. It was their last night together and they had to share a bed. He was going to make a move; If he was rebuffed, it was ok, because they would probably never see each other again.

A Not So Happy Thanksgiving (BoyxBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora