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 Members of Heaven's First Battalion (Actors whose portrayed them) :

Nathaniel Buzolic as seventh archangel Ophaniel (O-pha-niel) - the seventh archangel of the Heavenly Host , and formed a deep belligerent sexual bond with his vessel Kazuha

Tilda Swinton as the first archangel Michael (Mii-kae-el) - the first and oldest of the five archangels created by God himself , and one of most powerful beings in the universe  

Niclas Gills as Purifier Ophaniel (O-pha-ni-el) - the angel who was in charge of judging of humans's soul whenever they could go Heaven or Hell , and retained communicate with the creator of angels 

Lucky Blue Smith as Watcher Sabrathan (Sar-bra-than) - the angel who having powerful abilities rivalling that of a Prince of Hell , and aided the Archangels in sealing the Darkness 

Brandon Routh as Seraphim Rahatiel (Ra-ha-ti-el) - the angel who was in charge of keep Horn of Joshua in safe place away from the Darkness , and famously known for compel rebellious angels into following orders 

Johnny Flynn as Dominion Samael (Sa-ma-el) - the angel who punished rogue angel Laylah for her crimes of falling in love with a demons , and judge celestial beings whose violates the divine laws

Members of Heaven's Second Battalion (Actors whose portrayed them) :

Dylan Sprouse as Thornes Seraphiel (Se-ra-phi-el) - the angel who retained communication with the creator of angels , and fulfilled Moses's request in generating Ten Egyptian Plagues wiping out hundred Egyptians 

Ashton Kutcher as Virtues Kerubiel (Ke-ru-bi-el) - the angel who was renowned in life as one of the  most exalted overseers in history , and served as the principal regent over many battalions ever 

Jeremy Irvine as Power Sariel (Sa-ri-el) - the angel who hold office of various countries government 

 Shawn Roberts as Inquisitor Arariel (A-ra-ri-el) - the angel managed to get promote into that of commander of the whole humanity-watching process

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