Unknown place (1/1)

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Hello again~!
There you go Bosyhakem


Hiroto woke up with sweat dripping down his face, at this moment he could only remember the face of that person. after taking deep breaths he calmed down a little, he felt something was wrong, looking up, he was in an unknown bed, in an unknown room.....

Narrowing his eyes he inspected his surroundings, it dirty, the things looked high class and old culture, but they were dirty as if it hadn't been cleaned in years, which made narrow his eyes more. Looking to the side he saw a full-body mirror, in the mirror he saw a boy at the age of 3-4, he had fiery crimson hair, the crimson straight hair reached him till his chest, his eyes were a beautiful yellow if you looked closely you could see a tint of gold in it. his skin was pale much like hirotos skin but paler, his face was heart-shaped with baby fat clearly visible, he was wearing a white gown that looked like nightwear. Some strands of hair fell on hirotos face, he almost screamed because instead of his old hair color it was crimson much like the boy in the mirror,

that was when a realization popped up, he looked up in the mirror to see the boy staring back at him, he waved his hand, right then left then right then left. Continuing this action as he watched the boy in the mirror do the same, suddenly a weird silence took the room, even if it wasn't already quit it become more quit if that's possible. Hiroto shot up from his bed running towards the mirror while stumbling many times, he got to see 'his' face closely, he looked calm on the outside but he was freaking out inside, he was filled with many questions but no one to answer any,

suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head, it felt as if his insides were being torn apart, he wanted to scream to yell to stop the pain but he held it in, biting his lips so he wouldn't scream and get attention as that would be the last thing he needed in this confusing time. slowly the pain subsided and the original bodies memories entered my brain,

the original body owners name was Alexander De Cyrus, a 4-year-old boy. He was the child of the king's favorite concubine that died on childbirth, which explained the bad treatment and the room. His father, the king, was a womanizer that takes any woman he finds attractive and has 'fun' with them, either making them his concubine if he enjoyed, or leaving them if he didn't enjoy. There was no queen, however, there was a rumor that the crown prince's mother would become the queen, even though it was a rumor there were possibilities of it being true making any women want to be pregnant and give birth to someone gifted. But it wouldn't do any good since the kingdom was bound to fail. The owner of this body died after being starved by the maids for many days,

that wasn't the only thing he found out, he was in the world of < The Saint's heart >, was this a good thing or not? he questioned but then remembered the villainess A.K.A Angel, he could now save her... but how did he end up here in the first place? he suddenly remembered the person he saw last time- when he was still Hiroto. Deciding it was not important anymore, he set up a goal and that was to save the tragic villainess, it was a hard road though since someone weak like him could do nothing as of now, but he would get stronger and then he would save her.

Now to deal with things on hand, he had to become the king or at least the crown prince before the kingdom collapses, and it was a lot harder than it seemed especially when he was the unfavored son. Even though it was hard and would take a lot of time, Hiroto or now Alex wasn't discouraged since this was a lot more exciting than his entire previous life combined.

"....Status" he read online, in reincarnation stories that the protagonist would say 'status' and it would appear, he wasn't sure if this would work but it was his only lead. Some seconds passed and Alex thought that it wasn't going to show up when suddenly a screen popped up in front of him scaring him in the process. After cursing the screen for some time his beating heart calmed down, he decided it was pointless to waste time and read the content of the screen,

[ See status? ]

"...yes" Alex hesitated a little but only for a moment then continued to see his status,

Name Alexander De Cyrus (Kenji Hiroto)

Lvl: 1

Age: 4 (16)

Main Element Fire

Hp: 20/100

Atk: 10/50

Def: 40/50

Luk: 70/100

Skills :

( there are no current skills )

See more.....

"..this is surprisingly low..." heaving a frustrated sigh and narrowing his eyes as he glares at the screen in front of him, "this will be.......troublesome.." sighing once more since that's what he's been doing since he got here, and even before he got here. He looked back at the room and thought, 'it would be really cool if I had an observation skill right now' after saying that another screen popped up scaring him again, after cursing it, again and again, another notification appeared scaring him again but he was a little more used to it so he didn't get too scared, letting his guard down and heaving another sigh, he was about to read the screen when another notification appears and scared him causing him to go to curse land. After some time of cursing later, he decided to read it not letting his guard down this time,

[ Three messages ]

[ Would you like to read them?


No ]

"yes," said Alex slowly still wary of it,

[ Ping+

skill achieved 'observation' ]

[ Ping+

title achieved 'foul mouth' ]

[ Ping+

Would you like to mute notifications?


No ]

After reading them he had a tick mark appear on his forehead and decided to ignore the second notification, he read the other options, the first one was good for him that is exactly what he needed though it caused question he ignored them with the thought of, 'it's a game world anything can happen'. the third option was a blessing for him, he was already scared shitless three times by them, why wouldn't he choose this option? quickly saying yes and muting the notifications, he heaved a tired and relieved, sigh, and plumping on his bed, despite not being cleaned in many years it was really soft. it was a long day, and he had a long journey ahead and he probably wouldn't get such a relaxing sleep anytime soon, he smiled, a genuine smile that was rare for him, and drifted off to dreamland.

" Looks like you're enjoying this world~ "

A/N: I hope you enjoyed~! since I'm not good with gamer stuff, so you won't be seeing his status anytime soon but I will show it sometimes.

anyway! comment, like, support, and wanna be in the story?-

" Btw who do you think is the person, with a smile? "

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