𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 22

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Nini's POV
~Flashback to a couple minutes before~
It's dark out and I was asleep we must have fell asleep! I hear glass hit the floor. I look down on the floor to see the flower vase of the floor. I look at ricky and see blood on his fingers. "Ricky!"I scream and go up to him.

~Present time ~
"Ricky come on wake up" I say sobbing. "wake up Ricky please!" "dont die on me now
ricky!"I lean me head  on his chest. "Ricky please I can't lose you" I cry out. I grab his hand and still feel his pulse. I run out the room and call a docter. They come in a tell me he just passed out. They give me all the  stuff I need to
Fix his  hand . We woke him up by having ricky smell rubbing alcohol.I still had my hand in is so once I felt his fingers  move I knew he was awake. "Thank goodness"I cry out. "Ouch my hand said Ricky. "Oh Ricky it's bleeding a lot!". "Alright well let me fix this". I grab a bandage wrap and some soap and water and a towel to clean up the blood. "Why you crying Ricky" asks. "I thought I lost you for a minute"I say. "What happened anyway"I ask him.

Ricky's POV
~ Flashback to 20 minutes before~
I had this bad dream where I thought my dad got in the car accident, I seen him in my dream hurt. My head was in pain from my concussion that is still healing. I see my dad in my dream in the hospital hurting . I wake up panicking out of breath. I was shaking and crying. I seen Nini peacefully sleeping on the couch. I didn't want to wake her up. I felt dizzy and nauseous. I reach for my  water when I accidentally knock down the flower vase the glass breaks and it cuts me. "Ugh" I say in pain . Next thing you know it I pass out before you wake up.
~end of flashback from 20 minutes before ~
~Back to present time~
Nini's POV
"Poor Ricky"says Nini still cleaning my wound up.  I winced when she put the soap and water on my cut. "I know it stings". "Now this is going to hurt even more ok I need to take out the little piece of glass that got in you". "Noo Nini"said Ricky. "Ricky I have to!" "Do you want glass stuck in you?". "No"said Ricky sadly. "Ok ready" i say. "Nope"says Ricky . "Ricky stop acting like a baby!". "But I am a baby!"he says Joking . "Ok baby Bowen time to take this peice of glass out of you. "No!"said Ricky looking at me then to my lips. I look at him and kiss him real quick. "Now will you let me?". "Fine"he said with a smirk. "All done!" I said. I then started to wrap the bandage on him. "I am tired"he said . "Me to it is four am". "Goodnight Nini" says Ricky. "Goodnight baby Bowen" I say with a smile before drifting off to sleep on the couch.

Hiii! Ahh I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Ahh poor Ricky! But Nini was there to help him! comment and vote

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