𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4

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Hiii! Just saying this chapter is going to have a lot of tea 😌😱!Now let's get on with the story.

~2 weeks later~
Gina's POV
I have the greatest idea ever ! Today is the first football game of the season! Ricky obviously made the team! Well Since Kaylee and I are trying to break them up so then he can be mine duh! Anyway I am going to "apologize" to Nini and then tell her that the game got canceled for tomorrow! I mean that girl is the most Gullible person I have ever meet. She will fall for it then Ricky will be upset because this is there first/last first game ever. He will get upset since she most likely probably told him she was going to be there. Then I will cheer him on etc! ahaha I found her now to go fake apologize. "Hey Nini". "Hello Gina!" Says Nini. "Look I want to apologize for everything and I was wondering if we can become like friends". "Thanks Gina... I am sorry to". "Oh well schools over and I got to go to the game so I will see you there ". "Oh um nini didn't you here". "Here what"?Nini asked. "The game got cancelled for tomorrow". "Oh really?"Nini said. "Let me ask Ricky" says Nini. "No! I blurt out. "He has practice and his phone is most likely off". "Then I will go up to him". "Umm Nini it's ok I will go and ask". "Ok?" Said Nini . Haha great job Gina I said to myself.
~10 minutes later~
"Yeah the game is cancelled". I said. "Oh ok" well bye Gina. "Bye I said with a smirk on my face. I got to tell Kaylee the news! As soon as you know it Ricky will be mine!

Nini's POV
That's weird I guess the game is cancelled. I mean Ricky was really excited and I promised that I would be there so I guess the game is tomorrow? That's weird a game on a Saturday.

~Flashback to earlier this day~
"Today is the game you have to promise me that you are coming ". "Of course I am coming ". "Ok good because I am excited usually no one comes to watch me play he says sadly. "But ever since last year when you would come to some of my games I would always be excited"! "Well I am coming to your game I promise"! "Meet me after school for the game"! "Ok I say before we separate ways to go to class".

~ end of flashback ~
"I guess I will go to the studio" I murmured to myself. Why do I have a weird feeling in my stomach . "It's probably nothing"I said to myself . I drove to the studio which is a 10 minute drive. "NINI" I heard Martha yell. "HII I said laughing! "I thought you were going to your boyfriends football game"? "Gina told me it was cancelled". "Gina?!" She said shocked! "Gina Porter". "Yeah it was well she apologized to me"?! "Interesting said Martha. "Well I am going to leave my bag out here and I am going into a room to dance. "Ok said Martha.

Ricky's POV
Nini never meet me after school? Weird. Maybe she had to go home real quick? "Bowen your in". "Did she forget that my game was today? I told her this morning. "Ok I said.
"Set hike"! "GO RICKY"! I heard Kaylee and Gina cheer out.

Nini's POV
"It's a love story baby just say yes" I said. Yeah I am listening to Taylor Swift country music! It's almost been an hour Ricky should be out of practice soon. "Nini"! I heard Martha y'all out. "The game was today". "I'm sorry what did you just say". "The game was today". "No no"I yelled. "The game is almost over and ugh". "I won't make it in time". I started panicking. "How did you hear about this"! I said . "It was on east high instagram page. "What am I going to do". "I got to go" I said.

Ricky's POV
She lied to me. She didn't show up game is almost over. Just like my parents. They tell me they are coming and then they end up not showing up". I am in the field playing when I get knocked pretty hard. "Ugh my head". "Bowen you ok". "Yeah I'm fine I said grabbing my water and sitting on the bench". 2 minutes till game is over. She really didn't come. Ouch. "East High leopards won"!

Nini's POV
I missed the game. I ran out of my car and spot Ricky. "Ricky"! I yell out. He ignores me. I run up to him. "Ricky"! He walks past me. "I can explain I yell out. "Ok Nina explain why you missed one of the most important games to me you promised Nina. He's mad he used Nina instead of nini. "Today Gina came up to me to apologize then she told me the game was cancelled and-". "Don't blame Gina in this he said. "So your defending Gina". "You know why he said. He is angry . "Because Gina was here at the game cheering me on the whole time". She lied to me I said to myself. "You are just like my parents he said angry. "You say you are going to come then you don't show up". "Ricky I said crying I'm sorry but it's the truth she told me. "Even if that was true WHY ARE YOU SO GULLIBLE"! Ouch. "Oh and also I almost got another concussion who would have been there to call the ambulance if I need to go. "You would have needed to". "Now leave me alone Nini".I walk to my car sobbing . Why am I so gullible! I am so dumb to have believed Gina". UGHH i don't deserve him. All those things he said I deserved it. This was Ricky and I's first argument in are relationship . He probably going to break up with me I sobbed until I finally got to the studio. I saw Martha and she gave me me a hug. "It's ok Nini people make mistakes". "He's upset i promised him and then I broke his promise ". I cried a lot. I am going to go dance . "Once I go into the classroom I break down crying on the floor. "Why am I so gullible I cry out".
"Alright Nini just dance it out just express your feelings with the music".

The dancer and the football player~ The last game Where stories live. Discover now