𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑡 14

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A/n Today I got to go back to dance!!!

Nini's POV
"KOURT" I screamed "NINI"! "Hiii Omigosh i missed you". "Same girl"! "Oh an this is Avery and over there is Samantha"! "and over there is-." "SOFIA" screamed Kourtney going to the girl to hug her. "So you both already know each other?" "Oh yeah we meet from Ricky". "Oh umm I mean you know who". "Oh umm well cool".I say "Nini your costume is amazing!" Aww thanks I say . I try to look out and see if my parents are coming. No sign of them. I sigh again they don't show up. "Hey Umm ima call my parents real quick ". "Ok"says Kourtney .

Ricky's POV
I see Nini she looks really pretty tonight. I smile but then I catch myself staring and quickly turn away. I over here her conversation that she was having with someone on the phone. " why aren't you here"she asks. "Again you make up a dumb excuse on why you can't come!" she says sounding like she wants to cry. "Mom come on!". "What about dad where is he". " ohh sure he is visiting Jay at college ". "Stop lying already I know dads next to you"! "Why have you been missing my competitions lately is something going on she asks ?" Also who is Jay?i ask myself. "You know what whatever I understand that you didn't want to come to your daughters most important competition." Hmm never realized that things were going on at home for her.

Nini's POV
Again! They uhh I love my parents so much but these last couple months haven't been the same. I am scared what if they split up. You are probably wondering who is Jay. He is my oldest brother he is a sophomore in college. I didn't even realize that tears were coming down in my face and Kourtney was about to do my makeup. "Nini is everything ok" Kourtney asks . "I need some fresh air" I cry out. Whatever I don't care anymore. I have my best friends here and that's what matters. I go outside and look at the view of car's passing bye. I then hear a familiar voice speak "everything ok". "No"I stutter out. It doesn't matter anyway I don't care my parents aren't coming I say . "Well if it makes you feel any better, I know how it feels". I finally have the courage to make eye contact with him. I smile sadly. "Well I should Umm go" I said . "Yeah yeah he said. "Oh hey Nini who is Jay?" . "Were you listening to my phone call conversation Bowen". "I uhh-." "Your face" I say laughing at him. "It's all good he's my older brother". "Since when does Nini have a brother". "and you didn't tell me says Ricky pretending to look hurt. "Sorry we just never needed to talk about him." "Woow". "Well um bye says Nini"awkwardly. "Bye i say.
Sofia's POV
"Omigosh there laughing"I whispered to Kourtney. "Eee rini is coming back" say Kourtney. We then spot a tall bit with short hair. "Ooo your staring at him"I whisper to Kourtney . "Shut up"she says . She definitely liked him says Nini joining are conversation. "Stop it you guys says Kourtney . "RICKY AYY" yells the boy. "HOWIE". "Who would of known that that's my cousins friend. "Kourtney you know what that means we can set you up on a date with him!". "What no!" "Ok I guess not". Says Nini. "Ricky come here". I say. "What he"says. Can you set Kourtney and Howie on a date?". " what no"he says. "Hm fine!" "Nini come here". " go ask Ricky to set up Kourtneyand Howie ". "What no why don't you go". "I Tried but he said no!" " then that's his answer ". " he will say yes to you!" "No he won't." "Yeah he would, he would do anything for you". I see her blush and look awkwardly at the floor. "Ok Fine I'll ask him".

Nini's POV
"Ricky"! "Um what". "Can you so me a favor and set up your friend with Kourtney". "No"! . Please I say with puppy dog eyes . "Ugh fine!" "Yay I squel". "He said yes!" "Yay". Alright Nini let's do your makeup.

~ timeskip~
"Up next from Chicago's dance academy solo Pain.
Hiii! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will have more tea! Comment your thought and predictions I like to see what you all think on what going on! Sorry if there are any spelling errors!

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