I had just unlocked my phone when an amused and sickly sweet voice stopped me.

I am so screwed.

"Would you look at that? Little girl here is trying to be smart with us..." Before I could make sense, a hand reached out and plucked the phone out of my hands and another pair pushed me with enough force to push me away and down on my knees. Wincing as pain erupted in my left knee, I scrambled to get up.

"Really old man? We told you we were not going to hurt you, didn't we? This is not your age to play hero, it's time to retire and look after grandkids. Too bad you won't be doing that after the stunt you pulled." The brunette man that had shoved me menaced, his gun out and pointed at the man who had helped me. Oh hell no!

"He did not help me. He didn't know I was taking cover behind him. Let him go." I calmly spoke, my eyes levelled with the man who was holding the elderly man who helped me. He chuckled, pushing the man slightly away and walking towards me.

His eyes did not waver from me while he spoke his next words, "Everyone, throw all your belongings- including your phones in front of you." When no one moved, he yelled out with eyes angering, "NOW!!" His boom caused a lot of people to flinch and scurry to follow his orders.

"Now what to do with you little girl?" He spoke with a hiss in his voice that scared me, "Perhaps I should kill you to make an example out of you?" He mockingly asked, walking towards me.

My brain, registering this, started walking away from him, taking steps backwards so that I could get away.

"Or maybe you could be a gentleman and let all of us go?" I mockingly asked to distract him, still backing away while making sure not to take my eyes off of him.

The bastard had the audacity to chuckle. "Amusing little thing you are, are you not? It'll be fun then. Get her." Arms wrapped around my forearm at that very second, making me realize I had walked into one of them.

Stupid Valerie! Always make sure of your surroundings!

I was shoved down again, the barrel of a gun now on my cheek. I thrashed around to get out of the hold that was tightening on my forearm, going as far as to kick the man's shin and making him fall. A loud whimper met my ears before I could get up and run further away from these thieves, stopping me short.

"Do you really want to be the reason a kid dies today little girl?" The brunette tauntingly asked, suddenly appearing with the girl from earlier.

Of course he would manipulate me with them.

My eyes uncertainly drifted to the lady and her son, both of them crying and thrashing around in the arms of a few other men that I knew were with them. My eyes quickly scanned around the room, widening as I saw at least 15 men with guns in their hands and taking the hostages' belongings away.

How exactly had so many people come in? Not all of them entered through the main door. The answer rang clear in my head.

The damn side-exits.

Gritting my teeth, I nodded once to let the brunette know I would oblige. His smirk widened, pushing the girl in my direction roughly.

The poor little girl would have fallen down had I not caught her. Merciless men! I thought, angered that they would manhandle a kid this way.

The mother wailed louder and to my horror I saw the blonde raise his arm again at her with the gun in his hands. Instinctively, my arms curled the little girl further into me and I yelled out, "Stop!"

Silence reigned and I realized what I had just done. Double Uh-oh.

The brunette turned to me, an annoyed expression on his face. Before he could open his mouth to order his men to kill me, I quickly rambled out.

Soulmate to the mafia donDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora