Chapter 6: Fallen

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"Eric, Diane's working. Best not to disturb her on the job" I hear from above and I walk up to my room before Eric throws a tantrum.

I put on some ripped black jeans, a sleeveless jeans blouse and my black leather jacket.

I walked out feeling like a badass. What?! I was wearing a leather jacket, give me a break. I walk down the stairs and eat some breakfast and watch some TV.

*Louise's POV*

"Hey, Diane!" I say as she walks towards our group. I look at Liam looking at me and I wave at him. He waves back and Kat nudges me. "Ooh la la, Louise" Kat says and I nudge her back. We all hug Diane and she starts to get her books for class.

Kat nudges me again "Liam, can't stop staring at you" Kat says and I look at Liam. She's right.

Next to Liam, Harry was looking- scratch that staring at Diane. I wanted to tell him to stop but I think it was a better idea to keep it away from Diane. Diane can't stand Harry at the moment. Kat nudges me again; I send Kat a smile and she smiles back, she probably sees what I saw.

"BRRIINNNGG" the bell rings and all us girls head our different ways.

*Liam's POV*

What she's wearing is just not helping at the moment. Those shorts would get any guy staring. Keep your cool, Liam. "H-Hey, Louise" I say. Nice. Talk about keep your cool, Liam. "Hey, Liam" Louise says and I sit down next to her.

"Everyone for a warmup we're going to be playing a game of octopus" the P.E teacher says and everyone starts talking and going 'ooohhh'.

"Let's get our two fastest runners to be the taggers, Liam, Louise. Up" the P.E. teacher says and we get up while everyone's like 'we're not going to last'.

"Alright guys, if there's no people on the fifth run Liam and Louise win. If there's is, you people win" the P.E. teacher says.

Louise and I give each other the competive look, we're going to win.

"One. Two. Three. Go!" The P.E teacher says and I run to the end of the track while Louise goes front.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. I've gotten five people down.

Louise got quite a few too. Two or three. She's so fit though. Liam stop staring and focus. Not at her legs. At the game.

"Alright. One. Two. Three. GO!" The P.E. teacher says and everyone groans.

*Louise's POV*

One down. Two down. Three down. Eleven people down, let's see Liam.

Oh, woah. He's gotten another four. Fifteen people down and it's only the second run. We make a pretty good team. I can't be too sure though, we still have seven people to catch.

"One. Two. Three. GO!" the P.E. teacher says and I only get two people. Man.

Liam only gets two people too.

"One. Two. Three. GO!" Liam gets two guys and I get the last one.

"Liam and Louise win!" the P.E. teacher says and we hug each other. Liam even lifts me up a bit and I laugh. He puts me down and he high fives me. We're a good team.

*Katarina's POV*

I turn then- "Oh my god. I am so sorry" I say, not even thinking about who the person is. I grab my books from the floor.

"It's fine, Kat" Niall says and my head snaps up.

"Oh, hey Niall" I say cheery, I stand up and we begin to walk to our lockers.

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