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Kyurem heard them before you. A chorus of voices dancing across the walls of the cave. A symphony of shushes echoed out, mothering their voices. Silence was heavy. You and N stepped back behind the opage ice.

Cold burned your fingers. You wanted to give them hell, yet you waited. A storm of anger twisting and turning, sending lighting through your soul. You could feel it under your skin as goosebumps popped up on your arms, yet still, you waited.

N's heart pounded against his rids. An echo of a drum beating against his ear. It demanded for war, demanded he move. The fearse cry of war echoed through his soul, his heart already terrified of the outcome if he gave in.

Soon they came out of the darkness. Led by the two women, one still holding a tablet. You and N waited. The one with the ponytail motioned for them to split.

You and N twisted around pillars of ice, slipping down through the cracks, hiding just out of their sight. Then stoon you were directly behind one. The blonde girl whined quietly, lightly wacking the side of her tablet. She turned around surprised to see you. Glancing at her tablet then back at you, then back at the tablet. Just short of a scream you tackled her.

The tablet skimmed across the ice, pisces of glass breaking free. The screen when black and you held her down. She struggled pulling at your hair clawing at your eyes. A pokeball fell out of her bag. A red light giving the Pokemon's entrance away.

A liepard stood tall, running at your back in a haze of purple and yellow fur. One paw reached out sharp claws heading straight towards your face.

It never hit, a loud cry of pain however did. Absol stood there a torn off paw in hand. Red stuck to Absol's fur, it stained their teeth. They watched as Liepard backed away frantically, shaking like a leaf. The cat pokemon falling back as they moved away.

The woman below you pushed you back desperately trying to get away slipping on ice. She fell landing on a rock. She laid there blinking weirdly, staring off into the darkening sky. "Liepurd?" she spoke, the name slurringing together, "Are you there?" She reached out.

Looking into her eyes you realized. She can't see.

Her pokemon hobbled over, laying down beside her. It's nose buried in her neck and hair. It's only front paw lazily thrown over it's trainer.

You watched blankly, guilt building in your heart. You stepped closer, pulling out bandages from your bag. Liepard hissed, but you persisted stepping closer. A haphazard wrap was better than none, and it was needed.

With a soft whine Liepard let you come closer. You lightly took it's leg and wrapped it as quickly as possible. You broke off a piece of ice for an ice pack and laid it gently on the woman's head. Something was better than nothing right now. Then you slipped away.

You weaved through the ice once more finding a thin man passed out on the ice. He was tucked out of the way, his head resting on an ice encased rock. You watched his breath leave in small clouds of white. He was okay.

Then things stopped going your way. Your face burned and hurt. You were on the ground. Something was on your back, you couldn't move. Something pulled at your hair, craning your head back. Fistfulls of hair fell from your head as they dragged you towards an unknown location. Sharp jagged pieces of ice stabbed your sides, sliced your legs, and tore your skin.

Then you saw feet, multiple pairs of feet. You were thrown haphazardly onto the ground surrounded by them.

"Is this the same person?" One bent down, you felt their hand on your skin, they smelled like ash.

"Definitely the same person."

"Where's the other one then?" The other women spoke. "If this one is here the other has to be here."

They talked and talked. You tried to move but you were only met with a forceful kick. So you laid there tired as something warm slid down your chin. It stained the ice red mixing with the ever so slightly melted ice. You laid there watching the red swirl into scarlet flowers on the ice. All things considered it was peaceful.

"I'm tired of this," The large man spoke, "I'm not just gonna sit here, let's just get our prize and leave."

You saw them walk away leaving you half out of it on the ground. Pushing against the ice you moved to sit up. Pain shot up your arm as it buckled, nearly falling on your face once more. You hissed in pain, holding yourself up with one arm. Do I deserve this you asked yourself not knowing what happeded anymore. Tears built up, your eyes starting to burn. You couldn't blink the tears away, they just fell down your cheeks.

Two hands were on your shoulders, seconds later. The ground shaking with their appearance. "We have to go." rushed and hurried in your ear, N spoke.

"What?" Your eyes were unfocused, you let N help you up. "What's wrong?" You blinked looking at N's face.

"We need to leave," He let go of your arms, picking something from the ground up, "We've overstayed our welcome," He explained but it only confused you more.

You took a step back, the shaking was worse, closer even, not that you noticed. "Our welcome?"

"Come over here," he motioned you to come closer to where he was stuffing the bags with pokeballs.

' You looked around instead, "Where's that shaking coming from?"

It was the woman, the one with the ponytail, she was running towards you. Behind her is another person following her. You recognized them but didn't really know why.

"Why are they running?" you stood there, your legs shaking.

A large gray dragon was chasing them. It was causing the shaking of the ground. It opened its mouth, a large sphere forming as it chased. They both turned and ran as they passed you. Each of them pushed N out of their way as they continued running.

"Y/N!" N called trying to get to you but his fingers barely missed yours.

You were hit, Slammed against the ground, sittering off the cliff. The ground was on and you reached up out of reflex. You felt your shoulder crack with a scream you slammed up against the cliffs side.

N was grasping onto your hand, trying to pull you up. You were left handing there unable to reach him with your other hand. Your feet slipped on the rocky cliffside. You were shaking, trying to get back up. Then you slid out of his hold. You were left falling, wind making it impossible to see.

You landed on something soft and warm. You groaned, squirming a little. You were pulled off of it. Someone pulling the hair out of your eyes. You smiled softly, looking up at N. He held your hand to his face, his eyes never leaving yours as you let yourself fall asleep.

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