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It was almost sunrise. The hunters camp was less than half a mile away. Dawn was less than a few hours out. Calm, that's what it was. Few pokemon were up, but once the birds woke up the hunters would soon be too.

N intertwined his fingers with yours, "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine," you looked into his eyes, "I should be asking you that though."

N laid his head on your shoulder. You sat like that for a little while, waiting for the Pokémon to start turning in their sleep. The air was light, and the grass itched your skin. However, neither of you minded as long as you were together, it would all be okay.

You kissed his forehead standing up. The horizon was starting to change colors, and you needed to move.

"I love you." your handheld his cheek, "We have to get them back, and then we can do whatever you want, alright?"

"I'll be holding you to that."

You pulled away from his grasp, arms falling to your sides. With a soft smile, you reserved only for N you turned to fulfill your part of the plan.

N hated the bubbling sensation that he felt the night before this happened. It twisted his insides the same way it did then. His mouth was dry, and he found himself clenching and unclenching his fists over and over again. Against his better judgment, he tore his eyes away from where you went walking in the opposite direction.

You climbed up onto the rocks. Sticking to spots where you'd be hard to spot, you made sure to have a perfect view of the surrounding area. It was difficult to find sturdy footholds in the dim light, but you made it work. Within a few moments of finding a good spot, you heard them.

Hushed voices grew closer, a well-sized group of people coming up the path. You saw a flashlight scan over the rocks below you, ducking down to stay hidden. You counted five, three men and to women from what you could tell.

You stalked the groups from above. For being on a wall of rock staying out of sight was easier than expected. The group was too busy talking about some mundane topic. They were so full of themselves that they didn't think anyone would get in the way of their sweet, sweet money.

It made you sick, the way they showed no remorse. Their smiles and cruel laughter. It echoed in your skull, mocking you, it made you turn against yourself. You breaking your promise, stung your heart leaving you in silent agony. Nonetheless, you needed to succeed this time.

Across the wooded food of the mountain N was sneaking the way into their camp. Large trucks held cages of pokemon. N could hear their cries.

They called for help and salvation, but when they screamed out they were hit. Bruise lined their sides. They were sore from the bars and sleeping on solid steel. Cuts cover their feet making walking and standing painful. Their bindings only got worse the stronger they were.

Scolipede was chained down, unable to move his head. They had a large gash that wasn't taken care of properly. The small unusually colored Iillipup nearby refused to take their eyes off of it. The small pup was laying down on the bottom of his cage watching Scolipede. He didn't talk to Scolipede because it was too scary.

A gust of wind changed lillipup's entire attitude. Wind lightly tugged on N's hair, sending his scent towards the pokemon.

    "Help!" Lillipup jumped to his feet, "Please you have to help! He'll die without help!"

    N felt his heart shatter. Scolipede? Dying? You loved them all like family, but you had a special spot in your heart for your team. N wanted nothing more than for you and pokemon to be happy. He hated the idea of choosing one over the other. He couldn't stand to see you go through it, he refused to.

    "Are there any guards?" N asked, shuffling closer to the cages.

    "Two." the pokemon nodded "The one will be back soon, please, you have to help!" he pleaded.

    "I will," N soothed the pokemon, "I will, but I have to get the uninjured out first." N crept closer to Lillipup's cage.

    A steel padlock. N wasn't great at lock-picking, but if he messes up... He didn't want to think about the consequences. The low light made N unbearably anxious. He can't see people coming, but that doesn't mean they can't. Painstakingly, he worked his already fast heartbeat only quickened when he saw a flashlight shine onto nearby trees.

    Crunch. Crunch, Crunch. Footsteps, someone drew closer. Dried leaves from the early fall smashing under their feet. Crunch. Crunch. Snap! A twig, it echoed across the lavender  morning sky.

    Scolipede opened his eyes, just a bit. He glanced weakly around the area, before his eyelids became too heavy. He slipped in and out of sleep, and fought to keep his eyes open. With the absence of mobility due to his bindings he wasn't able to stay awake; exhaustion took over his body.

    As Scolipede fell asleep, Lillipup started to stur, the anxiety of the situation finally bubbling and spilling over. N, worked quickly and quietly. Lillpup pranced around the cage fighting to conceal his need to howl. A faint click made N's heart jump. To N the soft click seemed to shatter glass with how loud it was. In reality though, it could have easily been confused for a raindrop tapping the side of a window.

    With the cage open and the grunt coming closer N scooped the pokemon into his arms and took the padlock with him when he hid back in the bushes. Leaves rustled against N's shirt, a twig stabbing him in the ribs. Uncomfortable would be a compliment. His knee was jammed in between roots, his hair was caught in the branches.

    Crunch, crunch, crunch. The guard had walked up towards Scolipede's cage. Lillipup squirmed lightly; his inner voice wanted to scream at N to stop them, and he wanted to scream at his kidnapper. Due to the slight squirming of N and Lillipup the sound of leaves moving made the guard look over.

    The flashlight blinded N and lillipup. Both froze unmoving. Don't see us, please don't see us. The fear made N's guts twist, tying a knot in his stomach.

I was a few seconds that dragged out into an agonizing minute. The soft muffled footsteps got closer to the hiding spot. Then finally the light moved and the grunt walked away. Completely ignorant of the new empty cage.

As soon as the man was out of sight and out of hearing distance, then, and only then, did N get out of the bushes. The heavy weight of being caught lessoned.

When the skyline changed to a rosey peach; N's part of the plan was fulfilled.

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