"I'm sorry."

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You had given N permission to sleep in your room while you were gone. After getting ready to go to sleep he heard a tap at the door.

You have been gone for two days. Every second that you were gone, the more N worried. It was clear some of the Pokemon liked you more than him.

Litwick was more than excited to play a few tricks on N. In the night Litwick would sneak in and hide N's hat. Some of his shoes would end up in the garden. This night, however, Litwick had no such plans.

When N opened the bedroom door Litwick was standing at his feet. The small Pokemon looked up at N before speaking to him.

"Can I stay in here?"

N nodded slightly, moving so the Pokémon could come in. He helped Litwick climb onto the bed.

"Is there a reason you wanted to stay in here?"

Litwick looked over towards N, "I can't sleep." His voice was soft, quiet, and had a sorrowful tone to it.

"Alright, I don't mind you staying in here." N turned off one of the lamps in the room. "You miss them, don't you?"

Silence hung heavy in the air.


"That makes two of us."

"Do you, " Litwick started, "Do you think they're okay?"

"I hope so."

You weren't. After managing to make it to the mountains earlier than expected. You saw Pokemon trappers.

There were six of them. One was in the driver's seat of a truck, three of them were loading caged Pokemon into the back of the truck. The other two were bringing more Pokemon to the truck.

You could make out at least three Pokemon on the truck, but there were probably more. Watching in horror you saw one of two of the men kick an Altaria who was being brought to the truck.

You had to cover your mouth so as to not let out a sob. As Altaria cried out for help.

Scolipede stood to his full height awaiting your command. Zorua looked at you expectantly.

"Zorua, " you glanced at the Pokemon, "Change into a Wigglytuff, you'll distract them. Absol and Scolipede, you'll help me rescue them. Umbreon, you'll have to make sure they don't get their hands on Zorua." You looked at your team, each of them nodded at their roles. "Dragonair, you're going to be on standby." you held out their Pokeball, "I might need to keep a card up my sleeve."

Dragonair nodded, "I understand, " they said returning to their Pokeball.

Zorua, who looked like a Wigglytuff, was waiting for your signal. You held your hand up and waited until the men were close enough to the truck. Once the Altaria was put into the truck you dropped your hand signaling for Zorua to go.

The man in the driver's seat shouted and got out motioning for the others to help. The others followed running after, leaving the truck behind. Scolipede, Absol, and you jumped over the rocks and ran towards the truck.

Once you climbed in the truck, you could see around ten Pokemon all in cages.

You bent down to the Altaria. "Are you okay?"

The Altaria nodded slowly.

Slowly, not to panic the already terrified Pokemon, pulled out a knife and popped one of the truck's tires. You worked on opening the cages with the help of Absol and Scolipede. Within less than a few minutes you had successfully opened all of the cages and we're helping the Pokemon out.

All except for one. An Emolga was unable to move due to a broken bone. You carefully picked up the hurt Pokemon and turned to Scolipede.

The other caged Pokemon had already fled and you needed to regroup with Zorua and Umbreon.

"We need to leave, they're probably on their way back." Scolipede said.

You climbed down onto his back and motioned for Absol to follow you. " Let's go."

Scolipede, not needing to be told twice, took off, Absol on his heels.

The Emolga looked up at you terrified, "Where are we going?"

"Away from here, We'll keep you safe."

Scolipede ran off in the direction of the camp where Zorua and Umbreon were to meet up with you. Scolipede ran fast, careful not to hit any trees and low hanging branches.

Through the trees, you caught a glimpse of Umbreon and Zorua. You all made it to the campsite. Umbreon came up to you Zorua on her back.

You climbed off Scolipede careful not to hurt Emolga. You stepped towards Umbreon and Zorua.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it, " Zorua spoke, lowering their head.

"What didn't you see?" you questioned stepping closer just to let out a choked sob.

Zorua's back leg was unsalvageable. "I got.. I got caught in a trap..." they cried.

You bent down and rubbed Zorua's head. "It's okay, You'll be okay..." You kissed their head as they cried.

The Lady in The WoodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora