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Your relationship with Dragonair was still rocky. Dragonair felt like you didn't believe in him and because of that Zorua lost a leg. You didn't think that in the slightest and were trying to mend your relationship.

Dragonair ended up spending the night in your room, refusing N any entry into the room. After finding out you had fallen asleep in the same room Dragonair flipped out. Something about "gross men" you didn't really understand the whole problem.

Even though you and Dragonair were having some problems N could tell that both of you wanted to work through them.N saw the care you gave Dragonair when you came back from the river; the Pokémon trying his best to not be noticed while following you.

The day after the whole pancake mishap you were back helping Zorua with the missing leg. If the previous morning was a hint, relearning somethings were still required. Zorua was going to endure a series of obstacles that would hopefully allow them to get used to running, jumping, and possibly help them find ways to climb in the case of an emergency.

This was something that not many people had seen before. Pokemon professors and caregivers rarely talked about how to care for disabled pokemon. A fear you had going into this was that you would go about this in a way that while suitable for a disabled human would prove harmful to a pokemon. The only thing working with you is being able to understand the pokemon.

Zorua healed extremely fast, the use of potions was greatly appreciated, you don't know what you'd do without them. The pokemon in question had the amputated area completely healed, minus the scaring, in only a couple weeks. You were grateful to have not botched the procedure, having done it in the middle of the woods and at night no less.

You had set up a series of rocks that Zorua would jump across. They were not high off the ground not wanting to risk a broken bone on top of a missing limb. The stones were a mixture of different sizes and distances away from each other, the goal being for Zorua to be able to learn to adjust hopefully as fast as they could with all four limbs.

The plan was for Zorua to run the route multiple times a day, and for them to be mixed up the next day. So far it was proving to be helpful. Zorua would be given a few times to go through it slowly and figure out what jumps weren't possible for them and which were too easy. This was proving to be successful by the fifth day, Zoura was going with the other pokemon on their walks throughout the woods, with you asking a Pidove to find you in case something happened.

After two weeks of N and you working with Zorua they were still doing the same drills but on natural rocky areas. They had started to figure out ways to climb onto places and pull themselves up. Zorua never getting more than a few bumps and scrapes.

This improvement in Zorua's physical condition not only affected them but Dragonair and your emotional well being. As Zorua got better and regained the ability to do the things they used to, Dragonair and you felt less guilt over the accident. 

You and N were doing great too, after working with Zorua for weeks N proposed you take a break, away from the forest. A feeling of unease and guilt bubbled in your stomach at the idea. Still feeling some bit of guilt over Zorua you weren't sure if you could leave everyone alone yet.

A Lilligant that would visit your home teased you about it. "You've helped teach all of those pokemon to fight, and to do it well. Trainers in the nearby town know that even a Pidove packs quite the punch. Take some time for yourself, Scolipede will make sure nothing happens to any of them."

"Okay fine, I'll go." You told N after he asked a third time.

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