Midnight Voyage

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    You left before sundown. Since the pokemon trappers were driving to the mountains you needed to leave as soon as you could. You couldn't afford to give them any more of a head start.

N and you were traveling light. You both have your own pack of medical supplies and some food. Along with the bag you each had a lock picking kit and a switchblade. That way you could untie pokemon and get them out of cages easier.

You swung your bag over your shoulder, closing your front door. Leavanny waved you goodbye from where she was dressing the wounds of a Venipede.

"Be safe!" she called to you.

N stood next to two Sawsbuck who volunteered to get you to the mountains. Dragonair and Umbreon sat by the Sawsbuck's feet. Dragonair was going to stay in their Pokeball until you arrived in the mountains. Umbreon was staying out to light the way once the sunsets.

N mounted the Sawsbuck's back and looked towards you. Umbreon moved to stand in between the two Sawsbuck, the two towering over them.

You held out Dragonair's Pokeball, "Ready?"

Dragonair nodded, pressing their head to the ball and returning. You mounted the other Sawsbuck.

    "Let's go then," N ran their hand over the top of Sawsbuck's head. "We have no time to waste."

    The Sawsbuck's fur was thick and soft, and you found yourself toying with it. "How fast can you get us there?"

    "We get you two there as fast as you need," the pokemon looked over their shoulder at you. 

    "Thank you."

    They nodded, readying themselves, and started running. The wind blew through your hair. Umbreon was trailing behind you. The trees were blurred as you passed by. Leaves flew up in your face, water slashed up onto your feet and legs.

    N's stomach bubbled with anxiety. It twisted his guts tying them up in knots. He let out a shaky breath trying to relax. There was no guarantee this plan would work. You were extremely outnumbered, luck wasn't on your side.

    N looked over at you through the trees. Your fingers were drumming against your leg as you looked forward. Teeth biting your lip, your eyebrows scrunched together, and your eyes narrowed. It was clear, you were scared. He wanted nothing more than to hold you and help you stay calm. N knew that it'd help him calm down, but he couldn't right now, and you both knew it.

    Right now you two had a pokemon hunter group to dismantle.

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