A Friend's Name

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N, was puzzled by the girl he had met in the forest, having just disappeared without a trace. It had been just over a week since the night in the woods. He had continued on with his travels with a feeling that he would meet you again.

N, had stopped in town to grab a few things. The city was full of people and Pokemon each one going about their life happily. Stepping into a store he saw a familiar-looking Eevee and Axew.

"It's you!" the two squealed running over.

N, bent down petting both of them on the head. "How have you two been?" he laughed softly.

"Fine!" both cheered.

The soft sound of footsteps made Eevee run back in the direction it came from. Axew tugged lightly on his sleeve before following Eevee.

N, followed the two Pokemon down an aisle where you were carrying a basket of things.

"There you guys are, " you smiled just like the first time he met you. "And I see you found a friend."

Eevee jumped up into the basket and Axew crawled up your leg to your shoulder.

"How have you been?" N asked not expecting to meet you here. "You just disappeared last time I saw you."

"I did, didn't I?" you rubbed your head and looked at the ground. "I suppose I should explain that huh?"

"Preferably, but you don't have to."

"No, no, " you waved your hand, " I vanished on you. You deserve to know why. Come, we can talk over a cup of tea."

"Sure, but I have to grab a few things first."

"Okay, three blocks down on the right when you leave. There's a nice cafe on the corner there." you said walking past him. Eevee jumped out of the basket and sat by N's feet.

"I'll lead him there!" she spoke.

"Alright, don't let him get lost dear." you laughed turning the corner.

You sat at an outside table at the cafe. Axew, sat on top of the table nibbling on some pastries. Dragonair, had left is pokeball and was happily curled up under the table watching people pass by.

You looked up hearing, Eevee's, voice. She was walking alongside, N. Axew, waved at them with a bright smile.

"You didn't get lost, did you?" you questioned teasingly.

"Luckily I had Eevee to show the way, " he joked, taking a seat across from you.

Axew, offered, N, one of the pastries.

"Something occurred to me when we were waiting for you." You looked, N, in the eye. "We never introduced ourselves. My name is Y/N, it's a pleasure."

"My name is N, " he said, shaking your hand.

You took a sip from your drink before speaking. "It's nice to put a name to the face."

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