Chapter 21 ⚠️

Start from the beginning

"I am not wearing that and get out of my room" Mia says bluntly "But it would look so good on you and don't worry I'll attempt to not look" Bryce says while he gets up and walks behind Mia pressing his fingers into her lower back where he knows he...

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"I am not wearing that and get out of my room" Mia says bluntly
"But it would look so good on you and don't worry I'll attempt to not look" Bryce says while he gets up and walks behind Mia pressing his fingers into her lower back where he knows he bruised and hurt her badly
Mia winces in pain making Cole look over at her in worry but Bryce just flattens his hand onto her back making it look like he didn't just apply pain to Mia
Mia's to depressed and scared to remove his hand from her back but starts shaking slightly
"I'll pick you something Mia" Cole says confused as to why Bryce has his hand on her lower back and why she's not forcing it away and shaking
"Thank you" Mia says smiling at Cole
"Ugh fine your loss it was hot" Bryce says laughing and walks back over to the bed and sits down
"Here ya go mi" Cole says handing her an outfit and then sitting in her computer chair
"Thank you" Mia takes the outfit and smiles at him
"You just wanted her to match you didn't you Cole?" Bryce asks laughing
"That actually wasn't on purpose" Cole says laughing
"Bryce either out or look away" Mia says
"Nothing I haven't seen before" Bryce says without thinking
"Huh am I missing something?" Cole asks confused
"Well we all know I ain't no virgin and she's done strip teases in front of me a ton of times" Bryce says making an excuse and shrugs looking away from Mia
Mia takes her towel off after him looking away
"Holy shit Mia what happened to your back?" Cole asks jumping out of the seat and goes behind Mia
"What are you talking about?" Mia says playing dumb
"You have a big bruise right here" Cole says putting a hand softly to it
Mia winces in pain again
"Oh I don't actually know I know when I got home I slipped and hit my kitchen counter maybe that's where it's from" Mia lies trying to sound convincing
"Mia something is going on with you. What is happening? You've been acting strange ever since gym class ended?" Cole asks getting angry
"It's nothing ok Cole really I'm just stressed" Mia says
"I'm guessing this has something to do about tomorrow so if you want to talk to me I'm here when ever you're finally ready to talk" Cole says hugging Mia
"Uhh Cole can I get dressed still naked here" Mia says shyly hugging him back
"Oh shit yea sorry" Cole says stepping away from her
Mia gets clothes on and the others arrive to go clubbing
"Who's ready to get this party started?" Jake hollers coming into Mia's room "oh hey Bryce your back?" Jake adds laughing
"Me and hi Bryce happy your back" everyone but Tracey, Mia, and Cole say entering Mia's room
"Yea my dad sealed the deal quicker then he thought he would so we came back earlier. Josh is meeting us at the club" Bryce says
Everyone goes out to the cars
Avani drives Jenny
Bryce drives with Anthony, Kovur, and Addison
Jacob drives with Tracey, and Jake
Cole drives with Mia
Mia turns on Cole's radio and jams out with him trying to act normal
-time skip to everyone at the club-
Everyone's picking their club buddy
"Ok I got Mia" Cole says
"I got Avani" Jenny says
"I got Anthony" Addison says
"I got Josh" Kovur says
"I got Jake" Jacob says
"I got Tracey" Cade says
"We've got Bryce since he's left out of whatever thing you all are doing" Baron says coming out of nowhere with Jesse
"Thanks it's club buddies and keeping them safe and shit" Jake explains
"Gotcha" Baron says eyeing Mia
"Alright bro" Jesse says
"Hey Baron?" Mia says more like a question finally talking since arriving here
"Yes Mia?" Baron asks Mia
Mia walks over and takes Baron's hand dragging him to the bar
"Order me the strongest drink you know of please all of mine and my friends drinks including you and Jesse's are paid for already" Mia says smiling at Baron
"Anything but tequila right?" Baron asks
"Even tequila at this point" Mia says
The friend group comes over to the bar at the same time Mia says that to order their drinks
"Are you sure?" Baron asks Mia and looks over at Cole who looks concerned
Mia grabs Baron's face to look at her and looks him dead in the eyes
"I'm sure if I'm not stupid drunk before I go home then I'll just be stupid sober anyways" Mia says
"Well ok then boss" Baron says laughing
"Well look she's already being a whore and we just got here" Josh says rolling his eyes and ordering a drink
Mia stands up off her bar stool and walks over to Josh
"You made me into a monster in your mind so I might as well live like one tonight since I'll be gone by dawn anyways" Mia whispers into Josh's ear low enough only he can hear making sure Josh can feel her smirk against his ear and nibbles his ear slightly
"And what does that mean?" Josh asks jaw dropped confused
"You'll find out" Mia says winking at Josh as she walks back to her bar stool
Baron passes Mia her drink and Mia drinks it
"Another one of these please" Mia tells the bartender
The bartender passes her another and winks at her
Mia winks back and grabs her drink
"Who wants to go dance with me?" Mia asks everyone
The group is just kinda silent confused as to why Mia's acting so weird
"Can I yet boss?" Jesse asks Baron
"Fine but only if she allows you" Baron says slapping his head knowing Jesse means fuck her or anything else
"Me" Jesse says
"Me to" Baron says
Mia grabs Jesse and Baron's hand holding her cup with her teeth and leads them onto the dance floor
Baron holds Mia's cup for her giving Mia sips off and on
Jesse's dancing up against Mia's back and Baron's dancing up against Mia's front 
Jesse starts to kiss Mia's neck and Mia moves to make it more available
Baron sees her reactions to Jesse and laughs getting turned on by watching her be touched by Jesse
"Baron?" Mia says
"Yes" Baron replies
"I'm sure you and Jesse are so close that you've  shared a women in bed haven't you?" Mia asks looking Baron in his eyes as Jesse keeps kissing Mia's neck
She feels Jesse laugh slightly and then he nibbles her neck
"Many times why?" Baron answers looking at Mia confused
"With the way your looking at me and Jesse you look like your getting horny watching him touch me like this" Mia says grinning putting a hand against Jesse's hair while he kisses her neck
"And what if I am?" Baron asks smirking
Jesse pulls Mia closer against him not breaking the kissing of her neck
"Do something about it then" Mia says and bites her lip
"Whatever has gotten into you I love it" Baron says to Mia and smashes his lips against hers
Mia kisses back and Jesse sucks on Mia's neck leaving hickeys
Baron and Jesse pull away from Mia because they hear a voice they really despise
"Mia may I cut in?" Bryce asks Mia
"Sure" Mia says numb to any feelings towards him
"What she meant to say is no" Baron growls out
"She can speak for her self" Bryce says glaring at Baron and Jesse
"Yes I can speak for myself and it's fine really boys" Mia says kissing Baron and then kissing Jesse quickly
"Did I give you something and forget about it?" Baron asks confused
"Nope but you should bring those cool drops I saw your lost boys and lost girls doing at your party last month" Mia says to Baron
"Your wish is my command" Baron says sending a warning glare to Bryce and then walking away Jessie following him
Bryce grabs Mia's waist and pulls her against him
Mia let's him and starts to dance with him
"This is new" Bryce says to Mia
"What is?" Mia asks
"Me not having to force you into these things" Bryce says laughing dancing with Mia
"Well don't get use to it because it will all be over be dawn" Mia responds to Bryce
"What does that even mean Mia I'll never let you go your my toy forever" Bryce says confused
"Whatever you say I'll die someday and then it will be over" Mia says to Bryce sounding emotion less
Bryce hears how emotionless she seems about him so he grabs her face and kisses her
Mia kisses back
Bryce presses her bruise on her back expecting Mia to cry out in pain or something but Mia doesn't even flinch
"I really did a number on you didn't I?" Bryce says sounding proud of himself
"Nope I did" Mia says smiling and pulling away from the dancing
Bryce pulls her back in expecting a reaction from her but Mia just lets him and gives him a sadistic smile
Bryce just let's Mia go and his jaw drops
"So I need to just find a new victim" Bryce says giving her a evil smile
Mia just shrugs
"Really so Jenny is free game" Bryce smirks
"Even if I say no you'll do it anyways so what are you wanting me to say?" Mia asks
"What happened to you Mia?" Bryce says confused looking at Mia like he's looking at the devil
"Well there's this thing called life that no one asks to be brought into and then some of them just get the shit end and get fucked in the ass by it no jokes intended" Mia says laughing
"Did you just laugh at what I've been doing to you?" Bryce says shocked and confused
"Wanna do it again there's the bathroom?" Mia asks laughing
"Mia I didn't know it was possible to break someone so much but it's actually making you terrifying but hotter as well" Bryce says slowly backing away from Mia slightly scared but amused
"Well baby I guess we're more alike then we knew" Mia says winking and turning around heading to the bar for another refill
"Mia why is Bryce acting scared of you?" Cole says to Mia
"I gave him a lesson on life" Mia says shrugging and signaling to the bartender that she wants a refill
Mia looks at Tracey who is sat beside Cole watching the dance floor 
Mia steals Tracey's drink from the counter and takes a drink of it while she waits for hers to arrive
Cole watches Mia do it and laughs slightly
Mia takes a drink of it but gets confused
"Why do you look confused Mia?" Cole says laughing
"Please tell me this isn't what I think it is?" Mia says under her breath
Mia slams the drink on the counter and stands up in front of Tracey
"How drunk are you?" Mia asks Tracey
"Not to much yet" Tracey says acting tipsy
"Ok ginger ale" Mia says only loud enough for Tracey to hear and laughs
"Oh Mia May Jones your crazy" Tracey says trying to act it off
"Mia I brought the drops" Baron comes over to Mia
"Yay" Mia says turning on her heel to him
"It's just cannabis drops if anyone else would like some" Baron tells the others
Mia opens her mouth sticking her tongue out for Baron to drop a drop on her tongue
Baron laughs and drops a drop on her tongue
"Yum it's even flavored" Mia says laughing
Jesse grabs Mia's hand and pulls her over to the dance floor
"Dance with me babygirl" Jesse says sounding drunk off his ass
"I'll do anything you want me to do Jesse" Mia says laughing
"Oh really anything ANYTHING" Jesse says making sure the second one comes out with a pop
"Anything" Mia says winking
"Well if that's the case kiss me like you mean it baby girl" Jesse says
Mia grabs Jesse's face and kisses him
"Can I get in on this or is it just a Jesse Mia thing?" Baron asks putting something onto his tongue that wasn't the same thing as before
"Only if you share what ever that drop was you put on your tongue" Mia pulls away from Jesse's lips and says
"We'll come here before it disappears then" Baron says laughing
Mia walks over to Baron and starts to kiss him Baron pushes his tongue in her mouth making sure she gets some of the drug which is just a cannabis, nicotine, and alcohol laced mint sheet
Jesse comes behind Mia while Baron's making out with her with his hands on her ass and moves Baron's hands over enough for him to place himself against Mia
Jesse places himself against Mia's back and starts kissing her neck again
Mia pulls back from the kiss for a moment
"If you boys don't take me to the bathroom right now to fuck me I may just have to start fucking you on this dance floor so please fuck me" Mia tells them
"Yes babygirl" Jesse says kissing her neck really fast
"Yes Wendy" Baron says laughing
Mia grabs one of each of the boys hands and starts to walk to the bathroom with them
She goes to walk by Josh
"Mia I can't believe you right now" Josh says
"I am the person you thought I was obviously Josh so why not?" Mia asks winking at Josh not letting the boys hands go
"Lucy would be so disappointed in you your a disgrace" Josh says before his words could even connect into his head
"Mia I didn't mean to say that I'm still pissed and the alcohol isn't helping me" Josh tries to apologize
Mia let's go of the two boys hands and walks over to Josh she leans into his ear
"Oh but Josh I already know... I've been told that already tonight but she can tell me that herself later but thank you for being the only honest friend" Mia whispers into his ear and kisses his cheek
"Wait what Mia?" Josh says face falling
Mia just smiles at Josh and grabs the boys hands again and they start leading her into the bathroom
"Mia wait please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it meant" Josh yells panicked
"No one would care even if it did but if it helps you sleep tonight no it's not what you thought it meant Josh" Mia yells back to him
Mia, Jesse, and Baron get into the bathroom
Baron is placed behind Mia kissing her neck and Jesse's placed in front of Mia kissing the other side of Mia's neck
Baron removes Mia's jacket and slips his hand down Mia's pants slipping a finger into her opening
Mia let's a moan out
Jesse starts to remove Mia's shirt but that's when someone comes rushing through the floor
"Come on can't you see we're busy" Jesse says not even stopping removing Mia's shirt till it's off
"Yea a little preoccupied" Baron says removing his hand from Mia's pants to grab her neck with instead
"I don't really care Mia your coming with me now" Cole says angry
"I'm fine Cole go to your girlfriend" Mia says not looking over at Cole
"Mia that's not happening let's go" Cole says through gritted teeth
Cole pushes Jesse and Baron away from Mia
Mia finally looks at him but she looks angry
"What are you mad that it's not you fucking me? If so I have some bad news for you your not the only one in the friend group that's fucked/fucking me" Mia says mad
"For one no thats not why I'm angry and two we all know about Cade being your ex and taking your virginity" Cole says annoyed and mad
"Oh Cole" Mia laughs
"What?" Cole says pissed
"He's not who I'm talking about you already knew about Cade and I knew that" Mia says laughing
"Shit how did we not notice this before Jesse?" Baron says realizing Mia's snapped from something Bryce has done and is pissed
"What did he do to you this time Mia?" Jesse says getting angry
"Wait what are you talking about Jesse?" Cole asks Jesse getting a bad feeling
Mia starts laughing
"What hasn't he done?" Mia asks laughing
Jesse walks over to Cole and takes his shoulder and drags him out giving him a look as to say I need to talk to you
Cole hesitates but goes out with Jesse
Mia just sits herself on the sink laughing
"Mia what happened? What has he done this time to make you break?" Baron asks
"He didn't do it this time I just finally had enough" Mia says stopping laughing
"Ok he was on a trip. He comes back and now your acting like this I need details on what he did" Baron says getting more angry
"You want details then keep your mouth shut and listen to the details tomorrow's the 3 year mark of my sisters death I begged him to not force himself on me. I begged him because I knew it would only add pain to what I was already feeling. I fought back this time and he decided he'd fuck me raw. He started with my vagina and then moved to my ass rougher then my vagina like that didn't already hurt bad enough being anally fucked normal and once he was done with my ass and about to cum he shoved himself into my vagina letting lose every drop on cum inside me then he forced me to blow him to clean him off and then he decided to mouth fuck me until he blew up again chocking me with his cum so yes he made sure to physically abuse me while doing it leaving my back so hurt the tiny touch Cole touched me with at my place almost made me scream in pain so yes he did something again if that wasn't enough pain caused he reminded me that Lucy would be disappointed in me because I'm a disgrace I mean fuck I'm in love with one of my best friends boyfriends for fucks sake" Mia says tearing up
Mia feels her emotions crumbling back in against her own will
"Mia can I please kill him yet?" Baron says hugging Mia
"No but you can make me forget about it" Mia says looking Baron in the eyes
"I am not going to take advantage of you like this Mia" Baron says
"If you don't help me then who will?" Mia says laughing lightly
"Cole will if you let him" Baron says shrugging
"I want someone to make me forget about Bryce not that will make me feel a certain type of way" Mia says rolling her eyes
"Well I'm not the one" Baron says
"Then the bartender it is" Mia says jumping off the sink
"Fuck Mia I know your serious so stop" Baron says slapping his head
Baron kisses Mia and puts her back on the sink not breaking the kiss
Baron hopes Jesse heard his secret knock so that they can stop this before he can't hold back from fucking Mia because he doesn't have good control on not doing bad things after years of just taking what he wants when he wants from anyone he wanted
-out the bathroom with Cole and Jesse-
"What are you and Baron talking about?" Cole asks
"We can't tell you personally sort of" Jesse tells Cole
"I'm so confused" Cole says pinching the bridge of his nose
Jesse hears Baron's secret knock
"Let's go back into the restroom I don't hear them talking anymore and Baron just warned me to come in or it may be to late to stop them" Jesse says slapping his head
"What does that mean?" Cole asks confused
"He is going to fuck Mia if we don't go in there and stop it" Jesse says slapping his head annoyed at how stupid Cole's being
Cole rushes into the bathroom after Jesse explains
"Yea enough of this shit I'm taking you home" Cole says pushing Baron away and putting Mia over his shoulder
"Don't you have a girlfriend to make sure isn't getting hit on or some shit Cole" Mia says upset
"Shut up" Cole says growling
Jesse gives Mia's shirt and jacket to Cole
"Fucking Cole put me down and let me do what and who I want" Mia says angry
"Shut up Mia" Cole says
"faîtes-moi(make me)" Mia says
"Not the time or place Mia" Cole says growling at Mia
"peut etre c'est(maybe it is)" Mia says
Cole just stays quiet and walks Mia out the bathroom heading out to the car with her
"Mia what did you mean your sister can tell you soon and you'll be gone by dawn?" Josh appears ignoring the fact Cole has her draped over his shoulder in only her bra and pants
"Exactly what I said Josh I'm sorry I'm such a shit person like you thought" Mia says to Josh
"You taking Mia home or something?" Jenny asks laughing
"Yes yes I am" Cole says bluntly still pissed
"Alright well I love you babes night night and Cole I love you night night" Jenny says laughing
"I love you 2 Jenny one last pic and I'll be gone" Mia says smiling at Jenny
"You know I can't turn down taking pictures" Jenny says laughing pulling out her phone
"Make it count turn the flash on so you can always remember my face" Mia says sticking her tongue out and laughs trying to make it sound like a joke
"You're face is a face I'll never forget baby" Jenny says and sticks her tongue out laughing and taking the picture
"Bye guys I love you" Mia tells everyone
Everyone yells bye and says they love her 2 other then Bryce who just laughs at how jealous he can tell Cole is
Cole puts Mia in his car and then goes to his side
Mia pulls her phone out and her eyes start to water and starts reading her messages she wishes she would have left on unread and then starts to text the group
Cole puts one hand on her thigh
I just wanna go home I'm sorry guys -Mia
Cole's taking you home babes it's ok we understand -Jenny
It's the one place I can Rest In Peace -Mia
It's ok love get some rest -Jacob
Might just turn my phone off -Mia
Just keep us updated if you need anything -Addison
So many texts I wish I could have just deleted-Mia
What -Jake
Ask Bryce that one... I don't wanna deal with it anymore I'm done -Mia
Mia please tell me this isn't adding on to what you said to me tonight -Josh
I've been questioning my existence and then you told me you didn't believe me which proved my point but don't blame yourself -Mia
Mia what's going on -Kovur
I wish that I could fly -Mia
Ok but who doesn't want to fly and shut up about your texts I was drunk or sum 😤-Bryce
I might just try 🙂 -Mia
What does that mean- Avani
Play fortnite with me when we all get home? Keep your mind off of whatever's bothering you 🥺 -Anthony
It'll be to late I'm sorry -Mia
I'll call and wake you up -Tracey
I think I'll just kill myself slowly I'm sorry you guys I love you and I never wanted to do this to you guys but I can't keep living anymore - Mia
I'll just cut my wrist and I'll be gone -Mia
Mia knowing Cole's with you I know your pranking us well see you after the club were coming over in a few hours - Bryce
-end of group texts-
-Bryce texts-
Your not gonna end my fun mamas 😠 -Bryce
Oh but I am going to I've had enough I'm a disappointment to my parents and I just want to see my sister to tell her I'm sorry for being the reason she died and for being a disgrace just like you told me she'd think I was so goodbye Bryce -Mia
Remember what I'll do to Jenny if you tell anyone or if you end my fun -Bryce
She'll be protected so at least you won't be able to get to me -Mia
-end of texts-
"Hey Cole can I borrow your phone?" Mia asks Cole as they pull up to her place
"Yea sure" Cole answers passing her his phone
Mia acts like she's doing something with it but turns it off instead 
Mia and Cole walk inside Mia's house
Cole sits down on Mia's couch
"Wanna watch a movie?" Cole asks Mia
"Sure" Mia says walking into the kitchen and making popcorn
Mia comes into the living room with the popcorn
"What movie?" Cole asks
Mia sits down beside Cole on the couch
"Corse bride" Mia says smiling at him
"One of my favorites" Cole says laughing
Mia sticks her tongue out at Cole
"Tongue Mia" Cole says laughing
Mia just keeps sticking her tongue out
Cole hits play on the movie and then bites Mia's tongue not enough to hurt just a little bite
Mia and Cole laughs
"Cole?" Mia says looking at him
"Yes Mia?" Cole asks looking at Mia
Mia puts the popcorn on the side table and then she climbs onto Cole's lap
Cole puts his hands on Mia's waist
"I have to do this" Mia says pushing her lips against his
"You don't have to but I'm happy you are" Cole breaks the kiss for a moment and then goes back to kissing Mia
Mia pulls Cole's jacket and shirt off and starts kissing his neck
Cole removes Mia's bra
Cole picks Mia up and carries her into her bedroom laying her softly onto the bed
"Mia we don't have to do this if your still to upset" Cole says sweetly to Mia
"Please I want to and it will help me keep my mind off of things" Mia says
"If you're sure" Cole says looking into Mia's eyes
Mia looks into his eyes and starts to kiss him
Cole deepens the kiss and starts to pull Mia's pants and underwear off
Mia tugs at Cole's hair gaining a moan from Cole
Cole gets her pants and underwear off and moves himself to her vagina
He starts to eat her out and Mia keeps tugging at his hair moaning
Mia pulls him up slightly
Mia slides out from under him
Cole lays down on her bed
Mia removes Cole's pants and boxers
Mia puts his member in her mouth giving him a blow job
Cole moans and pulls her hair
Mia stops and moves up his body straddling him
Mia puts him into her and rides him until he flips Mia to be under him and starts pushing himself in and out of her
"I'm gonna cum Cole" Mia moans out
"Go ahead I'm going to cum soon as well" Cole moans out
Mia digs her nails into his back leaving claw marks with slight blood droplets coming from them
They both cum at the same time
Cole just lays on Mia after pulling out and holds her
Mia wishes that this moment never had to end but she knew it did have to so after awhile she speaks up
"Hey Cole I have to pee can you get up?" Mia says quietly
Cole gets up and laughs
Mia starts laughing looking at him
"What?" He questions
"Those aren't gonna cover even with makeup" Mia says pointing at his hickeys
"Neither are those" Cole says poking one of Mia's that he gave her and turns to restart the movie
"Your back is bleeding I'm so sorry" Mia says apologizing
"I fucking love it shut up" Cole says laughing
"Oh so he's a super freak huh?" Mia asks joking and laughing
"Super freak with a super hot super freak he just got done fucking" Cole winks at Mia
"I'm gonna go use the restroom and take a shower" Mia says forcing a laugh knowing that's not what she's really planning
"I'm sorry" Mia says under her breath quietly
"It's ok Mia" Cole says kissing her forehead
Mia walks out the room and into the bathroom starting the shower
Cole puts some shorts on from his car and is sitting on the couch waiting for Mia to come back out so he grabs his phone
"That's weird why was it off?" Cole asks himself turning his phone on and getting a bunch of notifications that the group texted the chat
Mia's phone dings on the table beside the couch so he grabs it to see if it was the group but instead he sees
-the texts-
Mia Imma warn you now that if you do something you better succeed if you think your gonna get away from me doing whatever I want to your body. You have another thing coming next time I get ahold of you maybe I'll stab you or something kink it up more then just fucking you raw in your ass and vagina and cumming inside of you 😉  -Bryce
-pause the messages-
Cole reads it and gets pissed so he scrolls all the way up to the first ones on Mia's phone and he reads them
His stomach is turning he can't believe what he's reading he knew he had a bad feeling about Bryce and he wishes he'd believed the gut feelings
-back to the messages-
Please tell me this is a prank 😡 -Mia
Mommas you know it's not don't act stupid I want to watch you cry and hear you beg me to stop again and this time fight back again like before the club 🥵 -Bryce
I'm going to kill you I hope you fucking know that 🤬 -Mia
Oh you can try Mia you can try but you know I'll always win -Bryce
And what if this isn't Mia anymore 😡 -Mia
Of course it is your just trying to trip me out like at the club when you were acting all emotionless and shit 🤣 -Bryce
Wanna come find out 🤬 -Mia
-the end of the texts-
Cole grabs his phone to check who texted him
Cole grabs it and when he opens it he sees Baron texted him
-the texts between Cole, Baron, and Jesse-
Hey Cole I contemplated not sending this or even recording Mia but this is the conversation me and Mia had before you came back into the bathroom. Maybe Mia will let you protect her since she won't let anyone else do anything and I'm worried because after I unsnapped her some she still seems off -Baron
*inserts recording of the conversation Mia and Baron had*
-pause messages-
Cole listens to it and starts to cry for Mia and get pissed at Bryce
-back to the messages-
I'm going to kill him I'm literally going to fucking kill him -Cole
You and us 🙄 -Baron
No I literally am going to kill him when I see him😡 - Cole
Has Mia really not told you about us yet- Jesse
What -Cole
Boss -Jesse
Go ahead and explain lost boy -Baron
Haven't you wondered why me and Baron's friends call him peterpan and he calls us the lost boys/lost girls? -Jesse
Not really I just thought it was nicknames -Cole
I'm the leader of a literal gang called the never lands I'm their Peter Pan and they are my lost boys and lost girls -Baron
And Mia's his Wendy 😉 -Jesse
Not the time Jesse 🤦🏻 -Baron
Now I wanna know what Jesse means but I agree it's not the time -Cole
So your friends are still here at the club and they saw I was texting you and they told me to tell you to read the group texts they said Mia was trying to prank them but they seem a little worried still -Jesse
They said if you guys don't answer them soon we're all coming over me and Jesse will be over either way for Mia ASAP -Baron
Alright I'll check the messages -Cole
-end of messages-
Cole reads the group messages and drops his phone and runs into the bathroom
Mia is sitting in the shower in a ball just crying
She couldn't go through with killing herself like she had planned because she remembered how her brother said he'd be destroyed losing another sister, she also didn't want Josh to blame himself or for Cole to have to find her body so she gave into the tears and let lose crying in the shower
Cole runs into the bathroom and sees Mia in a ball crying
Mia stops crying and forces a smile onto her lips
Cole climbs into the shower and pulls her into him
"Mia I'm so sorry I didn't protect you if I had any clue I would of killed him already" Cole says to Mia
"What are you talking about I got a razor cut? and it really hurts" Mia says making an excuse to her crying
"Mia I know about Bryce" Cole tells her saying Bryce's name like it was poison
"What how?" Mia ask starting to cry again
"While you were in here your phone went off and I looked at it thinking maybe it was the group needing someone and when I saw Bryce messaged you it was screwed up so I read the messages and then when I looked at my phone Baron had texted me a voice recording of your guys conversation" Cole says holding onto Mia tighter
"Shit Jenny" Mia says pushing Cole away from her
"She's safe don't worry she's still with Peter Pan and Jesse and I'm sure some of their lost boys and lost girls are hanging around the club as well
"Thank the gods" Mia says breathing a sigh of relief
"Mia.." Cole starts but Mia interrupts him
"Shit Tracey" Mia says her face going pale "Cole go get me my phone now please" Mia adds
"Tracey what about Tracey? She'll be safe as well don't worry about her right now" Cole says
"Cole please just go get me my phone please while I dry off and get dressed" Mia says shaking worse then she ever has
"Alright" Cole says and runs out the room to grab Mia's phone
Everything is piecing together into Mia's head Tracey and Bryce missing school and then randomly appearing together at school, Tracey acting drunk a month ago, Bryce taking her home, Bryce having a picture of her in bed naked under the sheets, her drinking ginger ale instead of alcohol tonight, Bryce saying what's two pregnant bitches to him before he came in Mia it all just clicked into Mia's head and she feels so stupid
Mia turns the shower off and drys herself off
Mia walks into her room and slips on some sweats and a plain white shirt she ties into a crop top with a black sports bra under it and matching undies

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