New Jersey's Fair

Start from the beginning

After receiving that letter, Frances couldn't wait for him to send another. But he could only do that if she told him that, and the only way of doing so was by another letter. Soon, both found themselves spending their nights writing those replies and adding small details that made their wait even more eager to the other. Frances would doddle things in her papers, sometimes even not writing anything at all and just sending a drawing, and Alfred would always manage to sneak in some small flower inside the envelope or fragrant herbs.

Frances and Violetta also had a weird beginning, but eventually, the freckled one warmed up to the other when realized she was truly an ally and didn't tell anyone.

Handing Frances her new letter, which she hid behind her back from any curious eyes at the street, Violetta whispered, "He also told me for you to meet him today in you guys' spot. Wherever it is..." She chuckled in a conspiracy tone and Frances did the same, however, she couldn't contain her smile at the news that they would meet up after weeks apart.

They said their goodbyes and Violetta soon followed to her next appointments. She helped to feed outcasts in Downtown with the help of a few other volunteers, then tutored the bible at the center plaza for people who wanted to know more and follow Jesus, and would spend the rest of the day at the local poorhouse. All orphans, mentally ill, and the poor elderly were placed into these living commons, terribly treated by many of the people who worked there, treated almost like trash, but they always opened a smile when saw the blonde girl arriving.

Violetta was almost there when heard loud crashing noises and shouts coming from a house just as she was passing by it. Her eyes widened as she wondered what was happening and hesitated, but knocked at the door after hearing another crash to know what was going on and if they needed any help.

The noises stopped abruptly and no longer after, someone opened the door. The sight made the girl gasp and the name came out as a whisper, "Chris?"

The man in front of her didn't look like her friend at all. He had a tiring look in his eyes and an ugly looking gash on his cheek that bleed along with a cut on the side of his mouth. His golden hair was disheveled and he looked at her wide-eyed as if he could not believe she was standing there and finding him in such a state. "What- What happened to you?"

"Christopher!" A booming voice echoed from inside the house and Chris looked behind just in time to see his father reaching the bottom of the stairs. He was tall and his arms seemed bigger than both of Chris's together. His long hair looked extremely dirty and his beard seemed like wasn't shaved in months. His shirt was hanging carelessly out from his pants and he stumbled to the side. "Who is at the door?"

"It's just a friend, sir." He replied. Violetta looked at him weirded out, never before hearing his voice so tense. "A friend, uh?" The man's dark eyes landed on her and Violetta blushed, wondering what she should do next.

"I-It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Smith."

"No, it is not." He sharply replied and the girl bit her lip nervously. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just passing by and hear a loud noise... I thought that-"

"Well, empty-headed Christopher right there woke up kinda grumpy today. Made a full mess upstairs and fell from the staircase, can you believe in that?" Chris's expression seemed to sour as long as the man's hoarse voice spoke, "But wouldn't you want to come inside? Maybe grab a drink with us? And we could really use a third pair of hands to help."

"Oh, I..." She girl smiled nervously, feeling an uneasy sensation about the whole situation. "I could maybe make some time but-"

"Actually-" Chris secretly placed his hand at Violetta's arm, as if to warn her to not take a step in, "Vi told me she would be doing... What was that again, Vi?"

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