Chapter 12 ~ Trust

Start from the beginning

Sasuke felt the rock hard ground on his back. He pushed his upper body up with both of his arms and he instantly felt the throbbing on his face. Particularly the part around his eye.

The pink haired man in front of him sent him a glare before turning his back at him and wanting to walk back inside.

The ravenette on the ground quickly scrambled to his feet again and stopped the door from shutting right in his face.

Kizashi's glare intensified as he looked at his daughter's ex-boyfriend through the half closed door.

"Leave at this instant."

"Please Mr. Haruno, let me talk to you."

Said man looked at him for a few seconds before sternly answering "No.".

Just as Sasuke was about to speak again he heard a familair voice from inside. "Darling, who's at the door?"

"No one." He said as he heard footsteps proceeding their way.

Before they knew it the blonde haired woman pushed her husband to the side and opened the door as she continued to look at the man beside her. "You really don't have any manners, you know that Ki-"

She halted her words as she looked at the man in front of her house. It was Sasuke Uchiha. The man who broke her daughter's heart so many years ago. The man that betrayed not only Sakura but herself and her husband aswell. And sadly it was the man her beloved daughter still couldn't forget after all those years.

She looked at him in shock.

"Mrs. Haruno please let me talk to the both of you. I know what I did was horrible and I just want to apologize for everything that I did." He looked at her with guilt in his eyes.

She pondered what to answer. Now don't get her wrong, she still hated the young Uchiha very much for what he did to her daughter and she would actually never give him another chance, but deep inside she knew that Sakura was still hurting. That she has never been able to be nearly as happy as she was back then. Especially since she came to visit them. Sakura was never one to make things about her, so she never actually talked to her parents about whatever was the reason for her rather bad mood, but her mother knew that there must have been something that had occured. So seeing Sasuke in front of her right now, she just knew it had to do something with him.

"Come in." She stepped to the side, allowing entrance to the very much shocked Uchiha.

"What are you doing? Why would you let that little snake into our house? Do you-"

"Kizashi." She shot him a warning look and he visibly gulped and stopped questioning his wife, out loud at least.

They sat down at the kitchen table and Mebuki gave Sasuke a pack of ice for his swelling eye.

"Why did you come here Sasuke?" She sounded cold and strict, her look was the same.

Sasuke laid the pack of ice down and looked at the people that were sitting just in front of him.

"I'm sorry for everything I did to your daughter. And with that, to you aswell."

Kizashi was about to open his mouth before his wife cut him off, urging Sasuke to proceed.

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