Chapter 1 ~ Broken

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Sasuke pulled himself up from the bed, still drunk. He gathered all his clothes, put them on and didn't spare the sleeping woman even a glance before leaving.


Four in the morning. It's four in the morning and Sasuke still hasn't arrived yet. She called him, left messages and even called his brother, but it didn't bring her anywhere.

Then the door opened, a drunk ravenette entered the apartment.

Sakura looked at him incredulously. Should she be mad at him? Worried? Sad? He looked completely out of it. But Sakura decided that she had enough, Sasuke has been partying for weeks now, without break, always getting drunk, even though he always promised Sakura to take it easy after every time she had to take care of him after his partying. Even his behaviour changed, he became colder and more dismissive and didn't talk to Sakura much. But that was not all, there was something else that bothered Sakura and she wanted to find out now.

"Where were you?" She glared at the man in front of her, her voice coming out cold and strict.

"I'll go to bed now." The Uchiha tiredly said, wanting to walk past Sakura.

"Tell me where you were, Sasuke." She held his wrist softly, but firmly, stopping him from proceeding to the bedroom.

The male got annoyed and pulled his wrist back forcefully. "It's none of your fucking business, get out of my way."

He walked past her, his back facing her. "Did you sleep with another woman?"

Sasuke stopped dead in his tracks. Was he shocked? Was he about to make excuses? Was he about to apologize? Sakura asked herself all this, when Sasuke turned around.

She then saw his expression, which was... full of anger.

The raventte quickly walked up to Sakura and then...

...he slapped her.

"You fucking bitch! How dare you say I'm cheating on you?!" Sasuke yelled at her.

Sakura was shocked, not even feeling the pain of his slap. Her cheek turned red from the impact. She was shocked. Sasuke had actually slapped her. Fear and distrust began forming in Sakura's eyes. She knew. She just knew he cheated, he wouldn't have reacted like this if there was nothing to hide. She now had confirmation of the rumours she heard about Sasuke and the redheaded girl. And to top his cheating off he even slapped her. A tear fell from her face down to the ground and she started sobbing silently.

As Sakura sobbed in silence, Sasuke shoved past her, wanting to sleep. On his way to the bedroom he decided to warn her "Remember this the next time you want to say something as stupid as this, you bitch." These were Sasuke's final words to Sakura, because the next day she was gone.


Three years later.

"Why not?" a certain, annoying blonde haired woman said.

"Because, I just don't want to. Go with someone else." I said, while putting my make up on.

"But Sakuraaaaa, pleeeaaase."

I just sighed. "Ino, stop it, I have a shoot in an hour and I still have to finish my makeup and get my hair done."

"Just agree and I will leave you alone."

Forgiveness (SasuSaku AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora