P7: The School

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---Next Day---

(Astrid POV)

I woke up to my alarm going off I was still tired because I could not stop thinking about Hiccup. I was wondering if he would be going to are school and I was wondering what grade he was in. Most of all I was thinking about his emerald green eyes. I quickly let go of that thought because I just met him how could I like him already. Because he is cute that is why. ASTRID you need to stop thinking about him. I said to myself. I quickly got dressed and walked downstairs to be greeted by Stormfly.

"Hello girl. Did you sleep well?"

She normally sleeps with me but she needed to get a bath from playing in the lake. So I made her sleep in her dog bed. I then when to get her some food and food for myself. I walked over to the refrigerator to see I note on it

Hey sorry I could not stay till you got up but had to go to work a bit early I made some food it is in the microwave. You just need to heat it up. Sorry again love you. Have a good day at school try and stay out of trouble.
-Your Mother

Well at least she made food right Stormfly. I then finished eating and got my backpack ready to head out.

(Hiccup POV)

I woke up to Toothless licking my face.

"TOOTHLESS you know that does not wash out bud!"

After that I got up and got a shower trying to get the dog slobber out of my hair. After the shower I got dressed and when to make some breakfast. After we ate Gobber came down.

"Hey Hiccup are you ready for school?" Gobber said
"Yes just a bit nervous."
"Well it is going to be okay I will be there and so with other secret service."
"How many secret service will there be?"
"Maybe around 10 to 15 depending on the day today there will be 15."
"Okay well that is better then over 100 in the White House right." I said sarcastically
"Well finish getting ready I will be in the car out front."

So after that I quickly grabbed my backpack and Toothless's leash and headed out the door. We got in the car to drive to the school the school was not small yet not to big. I got out of the car with Toothless. Gobber said he would meet us inside but I had to go to the principal's office first. When I got in there I recognized the man he was part of the secret service from the White House.

"Hey Hiccup" he said
"Did you forget your dad told me to come here?"
"Well do not worry you will not see much of me if you stay out of trouble okay."

After that we talked about how stuff is going to work around here to keep me safe. We then talked about around lunch time I should take Toothless out to go to the bathroom. He then gave to my schedule and I headed out. I looked at the room number for my homeroom. My father said that Gobber will be the teacher for it this year. We walked in and found a seat need to a window so there was room for Toothless to lay down. As people came in they were looking at me. I do not know if it was because I was new or because I have like a 100 pound dog.

(Astrid POV)

I walked in the school and walked to the lunch room to find my friends. I then found them and they were sitting where we always sit every year. I sat down and we where talking about what classes we have then Shane brought up the new guy. We all were wondering if he would go here. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw him walking down to hall. I then pointed to him and said

"Look he does go here"
"Cool I wonder if we have any classes with him" Rachel said
"Look he even has that dog with him." Shane said
"Oh it looks like a German Shepard." Fred said
"He looks so hot" Rachel said
"Really did you just saw the guy and you did not even see him up close what you are already drooling over him." Tyler Rachel's twin brother said
"Can you guys not fight you are going to make a scene" I said

The bell then rang and we walked to are homeroom. We all had the same homeroom teacher he must have been new because we never heard of his name before. When we walked in we all stopped in are tracks at looked at the new guy and his dog sitting new to the window. And let me just tell you he looked handsome because the sun was shining down on his face he was in jeans and a tighter fitting t-shirt. We all sat down by him because we wanted to introduce are selfs. Even though we and Shane saw him yesterday we wanted to do it again. We also want to see what classes he had.

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