P18: Back to school

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---Time Skip---
*Next Monday*

(Astrid POV)

I just woke up it has officially been 5days without Hiccup if you count today. Yesterday we were supposed to get back from the trip. I still am not able to get ahold of Hiccup. I tried texting him at least 3 times a day. The gang and I really have nothing fun to take about. Over the weekend we all met up at the park and let our dogs play together. I am now on my way to another boring day at school. When I got there I made my way to the cafeteria to sit with the gang.

(Hiccup POV)

So I officially got back to Berk at like 4 in the morning. My father finally said it should be safe. He also had to start back up on his Presidential duties so that is the main reason why he let me come back. I made my way back to the school with Gobber and Toothless. We entered the back way and I went straight to homeroom. Outside of the doors where two Secret Service guys dressed as teachers and on the inside of the classroom was another Secret Service guy dressed as a teacher. My father knew how much I missed this school when in New York so he let me come back and with all the safest precautions. The bell finally rang so people started to come to class.

(Astrid POV)

The gang and I made are way to homeroom after the bell rang. Outside of the classroom there was what looked like two new teachers. I just wiped it off out of my mind and we all entered. When I got in I saw Hiccup and Toothless sitting in there seats. I quickly ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"OMG Hiccup you know how much I missed you." I said almost crying
"I missed you too Astrid" He said

I then gave him a kiss and sat down next to him. The gang sat down by him too. It was so good to see Hiccup but I was still mad at him for not answering my calls. But I did not want to ask him to many questions right away so I would wait to lunch to get some answers. As homeroom went by fast we all had to go see separate ways to are classes.

(Mystery POV)

Agent 34 this is agent 57 here we are lined up outside of the school that he is at. Over

Agent 57 good work what is this place called that he is located at? Over

Agent 34 this place is called Berk I will send you the location now. Over

Agent 57 okay I am on my way. Over

(Hiccup POV)

It is now lunch time so me Eret and Toothless are heading to the cafeteria. I got lunch and sat down at the table waiting for the gang to show up. They finally showed up and sat down Astrid was right next to me I knew she was going to ask questions so I was getting ready to think of what I am going to say. She then punched me in the arm

"Ow what was that for?" I asked

I then saw Eret about to pull her way

"Eret she is fine" I told him and he backed off
"First off that was for not texting me and Secondly who is Eret?" She asked
"Well this is Eret and I guess he is like my bodyguard" I said and pointed to him
"Why would you need a Bodyguard?" Snotlout asked
"Probably because he almost got shot" Fishlegs said
"Ya but the real question is why is he so hot." Ruff said almost drooling over him
"Ya I am sorry Astrid for not texting you I did not have service and my phone died because I did not have my charger with me." I said
"Oh it is okay I was just really worried about you. Also do you know why they tried to shot you." Astrid asked
"Ya the only thing I can really say is that my father has a really big Business/Company."

(Mystery POV)

"Sir do you have your lock on the target?"

"Yes and they seem to be distracted so we are going to make are shot at my signal."

"Okay let us know when"

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