P6: Getting Ready

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---Back home---

(Hiccup POV)

"Hey Gobber you here?"
"Oh, ya just upstairs making sure everything is safe. But glad you are back."
"Gobber I don't think you need to worry that much everyone thinks I am in France."
"Well I just want to make sure you are safe I do not know what your dad would do to me if something happened to you."
"Gobber you are way more overprotective than my father."

After that talk I when to go make some late lunch it was maybe around 3:40pm. I made a sandwich and got Toothless some water and dog food. We sat in the living room and were watching TV to see if my father was on. I then got a text from my father.

Father- Did you make it to Berk safe?
Me- Yes and it is really nice here that makes you again.
Father- Good glad you like it. Is Gobber treating you well.
Me- Yes but he is acting overprotective though.
Father- Well I would rather that then you to get hurt.
Me- Yes I know. How is stuff in the White House.
Father- Everything is going good they think that you are in France.
Me- Good
Father- Well I better get going and make sure you get ready for school.

After that talk with my father I went to my room and got all the stuff out of my suitcases. I then put the stuff away and remembered that I had a box so I went downstairs and got it. It mainly had school stuff in it but also had some toys for Toothless. I was so excited for school because I have never been to a school before I mainly did it online or had someone come to the house when I was younger. See before my father because President he was a big Business man and was still very popular so he did not want me to go to school. After I finished getting my stuff put together I look at my phone and saw it was 7:45 so I when downstairs to get some food and got a movie for me and Toothless to watch. After the movie I got some comfortable clothes on and got in bed Toothless was already sleeping. I think all the running around he did tired him out.

A New World (President's Son)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora