Can love survive? -Ally

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No one's pov

The door slammed close. A crying Ally is seen with a sad y/n following behind her. Ally was sobbing. Standing distraughed on the side walk, not knowing what to do. Feeling her heart ache.

"Why can't they see i'm happy?" asked Ally in a soft voice. "Why can't they see that you are the reason why i am happy?"

Her heart felt like it was on fire, but her body felt numb. Numb, because the pain was too much. She ran a hand trough her hand and spun around. She looked at y/n. The girl of her dreams. Her reason to be happy. She just couldn't understand how someone can't see their love.

With a shake of her head and with new tears falling down her cheek, Ally ran into Y/n's arms and held onto her like she could dissapear at any moment. Y/n wrapped her arms around Ally. Still shocked by the whole conversation they just had.


Ally and y/n were sitting infront of Ally's parents. Both couples were sat on the sofa's in the livingroom. Ally and y/n were both nerveus. Nerveus about what they are going to say to Ally her parents.

They were in love with eachother. Totally head over heals. They could hold eachother and forget the rest of the world. They felt invicible together. It felt like they could beat everything as long as they are together. Still they felt anxious.

Ally's parents knew y/n. Y/n was the bestfriend of Ally, the childhood bestfriend. The girl that was practally attached to their daughters hip since the girls were little. They saw y/n as their own daughter. She always went with them when they went on vacation or when they just went out to get some dinner. They always included her in everything. They felt love for the young girl like they were her parents.

Still the parents felt that this was different than usual. That something was bothering the girls. They both asked the older couple if they could talk to them. Wich was weird for them, because it all felt so tense and abnormal when they asked them.

"Hey girls. How was your day?" asked Ally's mom. Breaking the silence. Breaking y/n and Ally out of their thoughts.

Both girls smiled at her and Y/n went to answer. "It was good. We didn't do much. Just a little sightseeing and we got lunch at this little dinner that was pretty good. We should all go there in the future".

The older couple smiled and nodded at y/n. But they saw that y/n was less relaxed then normal. They looked at their daughter. Maybe her face showed something that could explain y/n's behavior. But they were getting more concerned when they saw that Ally had the same expression.

"Girls are you okay" asked the father and Ally's mom just looked concerned. With a frown on both of the faces of the mom and dad, the younger girls looked at eachother. They took a deep breath while looking in each others eyes. While breathing out they nodded and Ally placed her hand on top of y/n's hand.

Ally turned towards her parents. Feeling her hand getting sweaty, because she is so nerveus. But y/n didn't let go, she did the opposet actually. She squized ally her hands and only held it tighter afterwards.

"Well mom and dad, We have to tell you something" Said the short girl. The older couple reached out to their daughter and y/n. her mom hold Y/n's hand and her father was holding Ally's and. They were trying to comfort the younger girls.

With a small smile on her face she looked at her parents. They were both looking at her. Foccused on with she was saying to them. They stayed silent, but their gaze told Ally to continue with what she is saying.

"We are dating"

The room was silent. You could hear the traffic outside. The noise coming into the silent room, but not breaking the tension. Ally's parents looked shocked. Not knowing what to do or say. Their hands slipped out of Y/n and Ally's hands. They placed their backs against the other sofa. As if they were trying to create as much space as they could between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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