The babysitter of Sofia - Camila

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Camila's pov

'Ugh finally i can relax. I love the girls to death but they are like A LOT'. I walked trough the frontdoor and i saw my baby sister in the arms of the most gorgeous girl i have ever seen. She didn't see me just yet bc she was playing with my little sister.

"Who is a cutie. Yeah who is a cutie" said the girl in a baby voice to my little sister. Sofia was laughing and playing with the girl her hair. 'Ahw this is sooo cute. I just need a picture of this' and i grabbed my phone and took a picture. There was a flash and a click. 'Fuck'. The girl turned around and saw me with a red face and my phone still in my hand.

She smirked and posed for me. I blushed even more but i took a picture of her and my sister bc she was posing so hot but she was still so cute with my baby sister in her arms. "If you want a picture princess just ask for it" did the girl say and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

She walked upstairs to Sofia her room bc it was sleepy time for Sofia. After some time she came downstairs and wanted to go bc i was home to watch Sofia but i offered her that she can stay for a while. She staid and we talked the night away with a cup uf tea and a cake. I learned so much things abt her. Like her name is Y/n and her favorite color is y/f/c (Your/Favorite/color).

(2 months later)

No one's pov

Camila and y/n grew very close and Camila her feelings for y/n became so much stronger but what she didn't knew was that y/n liked her to. They both were on a family runion of the Cabello's.

 Y/n was with Camila there like always. Everytime Camila did something y/n was there and everytime Y/n did something Camila was there.They both didn't have the guts to tell the other one how they felt but they were both deeply in love with eachother.

They walked in the house and they imidiatly saw kids running around. Camila saw already her cousins checking y/n out but she didn't see it bc her full attention was focused on Camila. Camila looked at y/n and saw that she already was looking at her and quickly looked away. She felt the blush on her cheeks and tried to hide it for y/n.

 Y/n saw it and leaned to Camila her ear and said softly "You look really cute when you blush princess" and Camila went completly red. They would always flirt with eachother and be really touchy. 

Camila wanted to say something but was interupted by one of her cousins. "Hey beautiful i'm Mateo Cabello but you can call me papi" did he say with a dirty smirk on his face. Y/n was shocked and disguted to react on his comment. Camila thought that y/n was interrested bc she didn't respond and became imediatly very sad and ran out of the house. She was sobbing but kept running.

'Great it's reaning now' thought Camila. She stopped walking when she heard the voice she fell in love with yelling. "Camila, pls stop!". Camila looked behind her and saw y/n running at her trough the rain in only her dress and on her bear foot. 

"Camila what is wrong". Camila was done with hiding her feelings and yelled. "For fuck sake y/n why can't you see that i like you!" with tears streaming down her face. Y/n was taking back by the sudden outburst.

'She likes me back... wow' does y/n thinks. Camila only gets more sad by y/n bc she jsut stands there. "I'm sorry i fucked up our fr-" but was cut off by y/n her lips. She kissed back with so much passion.

"I don't like you Camila" said Y/n serious and Camila felt her heart break. "I don't like you bc i love you". "I love you to y/n" and they kissed again. They heard cheers and they looked back and saw almost the whole Cabello cheering. They both laughed and ran back to the house. They were both completly drenched but they didn't care. They finally confessed and felt like they were on top of the world.

They both ran up to Camila her room and closed the door. They both stripped and put on some dry clothes. Y/n put on some of Camila her clothes but they were big on her bc she is much smaller than Camila. She heard a click again and saw Camila with her phone in her hand with a smirk.

"You were so cute but like you said one time i have to ask for it so... can i get a picture of you hermosa?" said Camila with a smirk. Y/n blushed but nodded. "shut up weirdo" did she say to Camila and posed for her.

After that they lay down on Camila her bed and cuddled with eachother. "I love you Hermosa" "I love you to princess" said Y/n back and Camila gave her a kiss and thighted her arms around y/n like she could disappear any moment. They both fell asleep with big smiles on their faces.

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