Chapter 30 - Doctors visit

Start from the beginning

"Lovers tif?" Dabi asked sitting back down at the table with another beer. "Your done for the day, so your free to go." He said casually.

"Oh great!" I said turning to leave with Hawks as I grabbed his arm. "Bye." I said plainly as we left.


Hawks flew us to where I thought was home and set me down. I had told him what had happened while I was at the league while we flew. I look at where he had taken us and realise it was the doctors.

I didn't say anything and just let out a sigh as we walked in. It was an exclusive hero doctor and Hawks must have called ahead. When the lady at the counter saw us she waved us in to have a seat.

"Where's your hero outfit ?" Hawks asked, okay I didn't tell him that part of the story.

"In this backpack." I said pointing to my back.

"(F/N)!" The doctor yelled into the waiting room.

Hawks jumped up grabbing my hand. "Let's go!" He said smiling.

We walked into the doctors private room and he didn't muck about.

"So we might be pregnant." He said looking through the papers most likely from the hospital. "Judging from the blood your 5-6 weeks so let's have a look and see if we can see this baby."

"Or babies." Hawks whispered to me as I elbowed him in the gut.

I lay down on the bed and shimmy my hoody up exposing my stomach taking a deep breath.

"So if we can't see little Bub with this machine we might have to try an internal ultrasound." He said putting the gel on my stomach and swishing it around with the ultrasound thing. (Very technical)

Hawks grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I could hear my heart beating in my ears and closed my eyes.

"Right so," the doctor said pointing to the screen. "This is the sac and this..." he said pointing to a small dot. "This is your fetus."

I opened my eyes and saw the blob on the screen. "Oh so I'm not pregnant?" I asked slightly disappointed.

"Oh sorry, yes you are. The fetus just looks like a jelly bean because you are so early. I'll try and measure it to get a due date and see how far along you are now." He studied the screen longer.

I looked up at the image and I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes. I felt Hawks squeeze my hand and I look over at him. He had a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Okay so your 5weeks and 3days. According to the size of the fetus and your blood HCG count from the hospital. The good news is everything's looking normal so keep doing what your doing." He said with a smile and grabbed some brochures for us to read. "What's your plan with continuing hero work?" He asked.

"I don't really know what the go is there, what's safe?" I asked sitting up and pulling the hoodie down.

"I don't see any issues with continuing your job for now. But let's discuss that again at 12 weeks. We will keep regular appointments to monitor the baby's growth and your health. If at anytime it's getting to strenuous on your body we might have to call it." He said smiling.

"Right okay," I said hopping off the bed. "That sounds good."

I hadn't let go of Hawks hand and I think I might have been squeezing it a bit too tight.


We leave the doctors and arrive home in silence.

I turn and give Hawks a hug wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his around my waist and gives me a little squeeze.

"We are going to be parents." I said letting some tears roll down my face. I rubbed my face into his shirt. It smelt safe and familiar.

"Yeah." He said kissing the top of my head. "I love you (F/N)." He said into my hair.

"I love you too Keigo." I mumbled into his chest.

He picked me up and placed me on the bed.

"Remember what you said?" He smirked hopping on top of me. "You can't get more pregnant." He said lifting the hoodie off me.

"Oh right." I said rolling my eyes. "I guess we can do this as much as we like then." I said pulling his face down for a kiss.

Our lips touched and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. We were in this together and I knew that he would stick with me.

He had already completely undressed me which I hadn't realised and broke the kiss to remove his own clothes.

"Someone's eager." I cheekily say watching him undress.

"You bet, pregnancy looks good on you babe." He said climbing back on top of me. "It's really turning me on."

He trailed a kiss from my collar bone up my neck to my ear and gave it a little nip. He then began to kiss my lips again wrapping a hand around the back of my head pulling me closer. I twisted my leg with his and flipped us over so I was on top.

"My turn on top this time." I mumbled through the kiss and pin his arms to the bed.

"This is real hot babe." He said slightly out of breath already.

I crawl down on him and let his arms go. He propped himself up on his elbows to watch what I was doing.

"I'm embracing my villain side." I said shooting him a wink as I pushed his chest down back onto the bed.

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