The Past

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I tried to prepare myself for the truth even though I knew it was gonna come one way or another. "yes...I wanna know" I hesitated. I could hear him take a deep sigh through the phone before telling me. "Well...a couple of years ago, me and Asahi used to date. We were quite a pair" he giggled a bit. "But we had lots of...arguments over stupid things most of the time. They had gotten so bad that sometimes it would take days till we started talking but only because he'd break the silence with some corny joke that I of course laughed at. This still didn't change the fact that we argued a lot though but I thought it was just typical couple arguing but before I knew it, it became a habit with us, we couldn't agree on anything." He stated.

I was a bit shocked because I never thought of Asahi as the argumentative type, he always had people laughing around him or just was happy all the time. Maybe there's more to him than I thought.. "One time we argued about always arguing and we didn't speak to each other for what felt like a month..I thought we were officially done for real but it didn't seem like we were because we didn't talk it over. Then I guess...I just lost interest, I wanted something new and since we weren't talking I thought maybe it would be fine just to go on a few dates but nothing serious till we talked some things out. One of the most dumbest decisions I ever made...he of course found out, guessing he probably caught on. After that we finally split and I've felt regret ever since." Yun said.

So they did have a past relationship.. "you there?" he questioned "Oh! Y-Yeah" Kai stuttered. "Thanks for telling me." "mhm..why did you ask?" Yun entreated. "You guys just seem like you've had a connection before...that's all" Kai said. "Oh...ok then" "Well I should go, thanks again" Kai smiled. "Yeah don't mention it." Yun said before hanging up.

"What now..?" Kai whispered to himself as he stared at the ceiling. "Im sure it doesn't matter now anyways, I mean it was a long time why does it bother me?" Kai could do nothing but question himself which only made him more desperate to figure out why. "Knock, knock" Asahi grinned as he appeared in the doorway. Kai quickly sat up, being a bit startled by Asahi's voice. " long you've been standing there?" Kai asked. "I just got here, why? Doing something sneaky" Asahi smirked. "No No just-...startled" Kai said before giving a forceful smile.

"Mhm..something seems off" Asahi walked over to Kai and sat next to him. "What's really on your mind?" He asked. "Nothing" Kai answered. "Nothing isn't an answer, so tell me or I'll have to make you tell me and I don't think you want that, unless your up for a challenge" Asahi bit his lip to the thought. Kai's face lit up as red as a stop light. "Don't say things like that! You know how I get!" Kai buried his face into a pillow out of embarrassment. "Ok, Then tell me." Asahi smiled.

Kai took a deep breath before sitting back up to face Asahi again. "If you had the chance to date Yun again...would you?" Kai nervously said. Asahi was shocked at the question "Why would you ever think that?" He asked "..curiosity" Kai said. "..Honestly I don't know how to answer that" Asahi responded. "..Of course. Your feelings for him didn't really go away, did they?" Kai stated. "Kai-.".."Just forget I asked the question" Kai smiled as he got up to leave the room. "...great"

I'm so sorry guys!!! I took a loongggggg break because I kinda didn't have the energy to write but starting this week expect new updates!! I'm officially back^^🌟❤️

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