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Kai had to run errands one morning so he got up bright and early to do so. He woke up, got dressed, threw on his favorite scarf (from Asahi of course) and kissed Asahi goodbye. He dashed out the door into the blazing sun and fresh wind. Before starting off the day he decided to get a nice caramel frappe at the nearest cafe shop since it was on his way to his destination.

He had arrived early or so it seemed since a lot of people weren't around. He walked up to the counter and ordered a frappe with extra whipped cream and caramel. "Will that be all?" the worker asked "ye-.." Kai was going to answer until he was startled by a sudden voice. "Make that two, on me" said the sudden voice. Kai then looked at the random guy that had appeared by him. "Uh.. thank you?" He questioned. "Oh.. your welcome" the guy responded "let me repay you" Kai offered but as any other polite person he declined, that's until he Kai finally convinced him.

"So what's ur name?" Kai asked before sipping his frappe "Im Yun. It's means Lotus flower in korean" he smiled "ohhh nice! I'm's means Kai" Kai smiled back "So, why did u pay for my coffee?" Kai asked "..Well I seen your scarf and thought u had a great taste in fashion and people with fashion sense are the best people to associate yourself with or so I've experienced, also we were getting the same drink so.." Yun nervously rubbed the back of his head with a slight smile. "Oh..well thank you. It was actually a gift from someone very special" Kai softly blushed at his words. "Oooo who is this special someone?~" Yun smirked "my boyfriend" Kai answered with a little laugh. "Awe! Tell me about him!" Yun exclaimed. "Well his name is Asahi, he's the most sweetest person on earth. He's thoughtful, considerate but yet so annoying at the same time" Kai laughed. Yun was a bit surprised but felt a little thrill of excitement. "Is that right?" He asked "yea!" Kai responded.

"Well I should get going, I have errands to run and plans later on." Kai said as he stood up. "Oh well anything happening tonight?" Yun asked "Uh not really anything special just a family dinner." Kai answered "Mind if I..join? Kinda didn't wanna have dinner by myself tonight^^" He implored. "Sure! Why not? Let's exchange numbers" Kai suggested. The two exchanged numbers and were off with their goodbyes until they had seen each once more.

Later that day Kai had told Asahi about the friend he had met and how he was coming over for dinner. Asahi was curious of who his new friend was and wasn't to fond of the idea of him coming to the house so suddenly but he trusted Kai and his decisions so he didn't mind it. Kai went to freshen up a bit before Yun came. Asahi was on his way back to his room, until a knock banged at the door. "Well he's here early." Asahi opened the door and was shocked at the appearance of his ex. "At last we meet again~" Yun smiled smugly.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Hoped u enjoyed another suspense of Asahis ex trying to re-appear in his life. Stay tuned 😙♥️

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