33)Marry me Rosie

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Where is she? Could something bad have happened? No...she's just late, it's a long trail to the clearing...

But it's been fifteen minutes...it's been twenty minutes...it's been twenty three minutes...

The ground crunches under my feet as I speed walk through the trees. My heart rate beginning to soar and sweat beginning to form under my collar.

'I love you...'
Those words...they were just words...just letters put together...just a sentence and yet-it held so much relevance. That sentence has never been said in truth to me until now.

I near the grounds and stop as my gaze is stolen by two little birds that flutter above my head before they zoom away into the forest. I smile. Love birds.

I pick up my pace to a jog now as I run through the courtyards, with little plan as to where I'm going.

I enter the astronomy courtyard that's almost empty. "You," I target a second year that cowers as I call on her. "Have you seen a pretty girl with long black hair around here?"

Her face suddenly lights up, "yes! She went that way!" She assures me. I follow her pointed finger up to the astronomy tower and frown.

"Are you sure?" I ask the little weasel, who nods and quickly runs away from me.

I frown. Why would she be heading up there. My feet move quickly as I make my way towards the staircase.

"Why ! Why the hell would you do that-"
Blaise Zabini stops his angry rant as he meets my eyes. The colour drains from Pansy Parkinson's face when she spots me.

She quickly runs past me and jogs away from the court. Blaise gulps and follows her. A note of something in his eyes.

Suddenly my heart sinks. My breath becomes sticky in my lungs and my legs begin to tremble. They hardly work as I pull my self up the winding staircase.

I must be just five floors from the top before something catches my eye. There...on the large, circular balcony a trail of crimson blood.

My heart pounds in my ear drums as I slowly creep along the wall towards the blood.
Suddenly my I break down in never ending floods of tears. Immediately my eyes burn terribly and my heart feels like it has stopped beating . My blood runs cold and all my muscles give up, causing me to fall to my hands and knees.

"No..." I howl in pain, "NO!"

It cannot possibly be, my lovely Celina lying with her head facing away from me on the cold, paved balcony.

Her skin suddenly an icy white, a puddle of blood seeps from her head and trickles across the tiles endlessly. Her eyes, drained of life completely like a mannequin or a porcelain doll.

A little tear drop forms in the corner of her eye and falls down off her nose bridge where I can almost hear it splash to the ground.

I cover my heart with my hands and keel over onto the ground amidst my tears. I feel nothing. Nothing except my heart barely beating and a ringing noise in my ears. My entire torso is limp and useless.

I stagger on my hands and knees over to her body. My hand reaches shakily for her freezing cold one and I squeeze it, begging for a squeeze back or any sign of life to return to her.

"Please...please..." I whisper through sobs, letting go of her hand and cupping her freezer-cold cheeks in my palms.

"Wake up...please! Wake up..." I cry close to her face. Her eyes don't even look at me. I look into their bland, dead pupils and my body shakes vigorously.

Changing opinions//Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now