19) + 19.5) +19.75)

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SPELLING MISTAKES - are unfortunate autocorrect! (If you spot a mistake please comment on it so I can fix it!)

* this chapter is going to be LONG enough because it's going to be two in one because I want to even off the chapter levels with the Christmas ball  hehahahehahhaheha *

We walk out of the shop together as I clutch my little bag. It's freezing. There's snow everywhere and it's thicker than I have ever seen. My face is pure white except for my nose, and lips which glow red.

Draco struggles to close the door shut behind him due to the falling snow but whips out his wand and melts it in the blink of an eye.

"You go." He tells me as I turn to see him not following me.

I tilt my head as if to say why but he widens his eyes at me to say just go. I frown a bit in confusion but turn and walk back anyway.

I follow the crowd and hide my bag under my thick coat.

Suddenly a snow ball flies from nowhere and catches me on the leg. I swiftly turn and smile seeing Cedric trying to hide behind a tree, it's obvious he's there.

"Hey! Come out I can see you!" I laugh. He smiles brightly as he emerges. I quickly ball up some snow and hurl it at him as he approaches.

"Hey! That's against the rules!" He dodges it and throws one he had behind his back at me.

"So is that!" I squeal.

I gasp as the bag falls from my coat and I turn around to swiftly pick it up.

"Gotcha!" He growls teasingly as he hugs me from behind.

I shriek in slight shock as I wasn't expecting it. "Get off me!" I joke as I struggle to get away.

"Get a room mudblood!" I hear and we both look up to see Goyle and Crabbe sneering at us. I spot Malfoy beside them but he just shoots us a disgusted look and keeps quiet.

"Get lost Goyle." Cedric drones, he clearly doesn't have the energy or care for them today.

"Let's leave." I whisper to him, desperate to get away from this awkward situation.
He grabs my hand and I grin as we walk away in the opposite direction.

We end up in the court yard. The Christmas spirit is booming.  There's a form of grotto with an animated Santa Claus sitting in it. The whole place  is  covered in lights and baubles and small fairies dressed festively flutter around clearing drains and gutters of snow.

   The tree has also been transformed into a ginormous Christmas tree. It teams with decorations and lights and it emits a range of festive smells into the atmosphere.

  "Sit," Cedric beckons me to sit on a bench which he clears of snow with a swish of his wand.

  I gladly sit and smile adoringly up at him.

"Close your eyes," he smiles and laughs slightly. I bite my lip excitedly and close them.

"Okkkk...." I hear him shuffling in his pockets.

"Now, open them." He sounds excited as he asks me.

I slowly open them and blink several times. "What is it?" I ask in confusion and awe. A beautiful pink hibiscus flower floats in front of me.

"Open it." He smiles.

I reach out for it and grasp its soft, delicate petals. It's centre elevates as it meets my finger tips and a beautiful satin ring box emerges.

I look up in confusion but see his happy face.
I slowly prise open the box and gasp at the beautiful ring that is inside it.

"It's beautiful Cedric," I gasp as I quickly take it out of its box.

Changing opinions//Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now