10)Dracock InmyMouthfoy

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  (No seggs in this chap just liked the name)

"With only a week until the Halloween festivities begin, I would like to take this time to outline exactly what will be running throughout our school...." Dumbledore began a week later at assembly.

I had handed a sick note I forged into all my teachers classes that excused me for seven executive days and disappeared into my dorm for those days, relying on the ward attendants to bring me my food. I could not bare to see Cedric or Malfoy or anybody for that matter and desperately needed the week off.

"Our festivities will begin with an annual pumpkin carving class...."

I stole a quick glance over my shoulder and spotted Cedric looking repeatedly at me for short periods of time anxiously. To hell with him! Playing me like that!

Hermione was a few seats down and beside her Ron and Harry giggled. I sighed, maybe I could try to relight the embers of that friendship.

I returned my focus to Dumbledore with a tut. The whole school had been decorated since I came out of my hibernation . It was beautifully decorated, my eyes gawked at the schools every inch.

"For those of you who may not know, the Hallowe'en Feast at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry occurs on 31 October every year

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"For those of you who may not know, the Hallowe'en Feast at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry occurs on 31 October every year. It is festooned with confectionery-filled pumpkins, apples, black cauldrons of big lollipops, carrot cake, bats, orange streamers, goblets of coloured sweets, possibly pumpkin juice, and all sorts of Hallowe'en-related decorations. There is always some entertainment at the end, this may be by the Hogwarts Ghosts who pop out of the walls and do formation gliding. It is a highly anticipated feast which most Hogwarts students look forward to every year!" Dumbledore continued.

Gosh it was the 30th today. I had only been here a week yet it felt like a year. Once Dumbledore has concluded the usual busy chatter resumed. 

I spotted Cedric making his way over but before he could he got interrupted by the crowd of people filing out of the hall. Thank goodness.
We were called back by year shortly. I avoided him the best I could. Huge pumpkins were placed in front of each of us along with utensils and aprons. I de gutted my pumpkin by hand while almost everyone else sorted it with a few waves of their wand.

"Are  you going to use magic at all this year?" Draco's voice neared me as he slammed his pumpkin down viciously opposite me. The seat was already empty. I looked behind him to see his friends snickering at the far table. I sighed deeply. Another one of these horrid jokes.

"I am not a puppet Draco, I will not let you use me for a quick laugh from your friends anymore - and , I like to do things the old fashioned way! The manual way." I grunted as I used all my might to pull out a thick scoop of pumpkin insides.

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