30)New bitch who this?

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The amount of looks Draco is getting with his new hair is frightful!
It's only been two days since we dyed it and he's been getting so many compliments.

"Well it was a personal idea really, a stroke of genius one could say, it came to me a few nights ago while I was lying in bed..." I overheard him boasting to a group of Slytherin girls at the breakfast table.

I clenched my spoon deeply into my fist and stared him out of it. He looked terrified when he caught my eye.

"Would you stop it!" I whisper angrily to him as he continuously plays with it in transfiguration. I can barely see the demonstration because of him constantly raising his hand to mess with it.

He snatches my quill from me and holds it at arms length as I try to catch it back off him.

"Mr Malfoy you will be reminded quite where you are." McGonagall clears her throat at the top of the class. Draco hands me back my quill reluctantly.

"Idiot..." I curse under my breath and he smiles

Both of us had a short day today so we decided to head down to Hogsmeade for something to eat.

We head into the hopping pot and find a cosy seat by the fire.

"Hmmm..." Draco frowns as he inspects the menu. He always talks about the lack of good bars and food places in Hogsmeade.

"Maybe one day we'll go to muggle London," I suggest, gaining his attention as he looks around cautiously and then back to me.

"There's some really good restaurants." I lower my voice.

"Pfft...muggles can't cook!" He sounds serious but smiles teasingly.

"I think you'd quite like the muggle world," I smile and lean back in my chair. "Think you'd fit in well."

He frowns at me and raises an eyebrow. I laugh at how disgusted at the suggestion he is.

"That will be three galleons please." A waiter tells us as we pay the bill. Draco looks displeased but hands over the bill despite me trying to help pay for it.

"For that?" He snarls at the worker but I quickly steer him out of there and thank the man.

I count the galleons I have left from Dumbledore's allowance. Just six with a few sickles.

"I'm not sure I like this whole sugar daddy set up with Dumbledore." He remarks as he watches me count it out.

"Draco!" I slap his arm slightly, shuddering at his sentence. He laughs brightly, "something you're not telling me is there?" He teases. I walk infront of him pretending to be mad but a huge smile fills my face.

He catches up with me and pushes the back of my head slightly as 'revenge' for making him have to run.

"Let's get ice cream!" I suggest as we pass a stall. It's a bit early in the year for ice cream stalls to be around!

"Ice cream?" He asks as he frowns at the store. "Isn't it a bit cool for ice cream?" he catches the worker staring at him and cocks his head at him threateningly

"It's never too cold for ice cream!" I assure him, "Can I have-"

Draco suddenly butts infront of me, "One large cone with a scoop of chocolate, strawberry, mint, vanilla and-what do you want?" He asks as he turns to me, suddenly realising my presence again. I laugh in slight offence, "I'll have fudge please."

"Why did we only get one?" I question him as we walk away from the stand. He begins making quick work of his scoops.

"Well it's romantic or something isn't it?" He sounds a bit embarrassed and says it quite quickly. "Girls like doing this silly stuff right?"

Changing opinions//Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now