10.My First Idiot

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As I walked into the bus today I saw Blute's brightly lit smiling face waving at me "Emma! there's a seat for you here" he said. I walked to him and Julie. "Thank you" I replied.

I put on my earphones and was busy listening to songs when he interrupted me "Could I borrow your English text book for the first hour ? I will return it to you after my class and my classroom is opposite to yours " . "Hmmm yeah sure!" I replied smiling back at him.

We reached college early today because of less traffic. The usual hustle of the students and the professors was comparatively less today, the atmosphere was quite peaceful, there were tiny colourful butterflies everywhere, the dew drops perfectly shining on every blade of grass. The clouds weaving it's own tale and the birds were humming it's own melodies. I could feel the sun shining brightly on me. As I was lost enjoying the beauty of silence I was disturbed as usual by a loud laughter.

I turned back to see Blute and his gang of friends laughing and talking without a worry in the world. I stood there staring at them wondering if I could ever be like them. "Waiting for someone?"Blute asked. "No, heading towards the canteen" I replied. "You could join us we are also heading towards the canteen" he replied. "It's fine you guys carry on, I'll be there in a while" I said a little hesitantly.

After the first hour as promised, I saw Blute standing outside my class door waiting for me with my textbook. He thanked me and headed towards his class. During my lunch hour he popped up in my class with his lunchbox and said "You shouldn't eat lunch alone, it's harmful for your existence" he smirked and sat down on the chair next to mine and I had lunch with him.

Some days passed by, me and Blute got along very well together, to an extent that people thought we were dating but we weren't . We used to talk nonstop about many things, we had lunch together, he helped me with my playlist and always had a seat next to him reserved for me.

Blute was hefty, cheerful, friendly and kind person. He always carried a charming smile and he had a very weird friend circle. They were least worried about things around and just enjoyed the moment as I saw them in the bus with Blute on the fresher's day. I wanted to be like them.

After I met Blute, I realised friends come and go like waves but the true one's stay like octopuses on our face. Blute was one of the octopus that would hold on rather than just letting go. I didn't have a proper friend till date but now I could proudly say I have a bestfriend.

I wanted to be like him carefree, friendly and kind.....but the question was would I get past my insecurities and accept things soo easily???

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