28.Lost one to gain another

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Emma's POV

Sound of siren wailing right in front of my house and moments later a knock on the door.

The moment Noah opens the door the entire house was filled with chaos my entire family and dad's side of the family everyone were home.

Then the sound of the ambulance was the only thing that had all my attention.

"Where is Gramps? Dad why did you leave him at the hospital alone? Why is everyone crying? Why is there an ambulance outside? " I pleaded mom and dad to answer my questions. I didn't want my mind wander to the place where I hid my worst fears.

The siren was ringing incessantly in.y ears. Then the nurses bought in Gramps pale and lifeless body in an ice box.

"This can't been happening! Mom you promised me Gramps will be alright. Gramps promised me he would always stay by my side. He is my Gramps, he is strong. He can't leave me. Mom I love him the most" I was furious at everyone present there.

"Emma! Come back to your sense! Gramps is no more with us." Gerard my cousin tightly gripped my arms and shook me in an attempt to calm me down.

"Ger! How can Gramps leave us? " I hugged him and started crying.

I woke up in my room Noah, Blute and Henry sitting on a couch across my bed.

"You passed out while you were crying" Noah responded when he realised I woke up.

I moved out of my bed. My head was throbbing with pain, eyes swollen and I was about to walk out of my room without bothering about the people in there, only to be stopped by Noah. "Can we have a moment with you? "

Neither did I deny it nor accept it. Noah held me by the hand and made me sit on the couch. Before he could even ask me anything I again started crying" Noah! Gramps is no more. I don't know what do I do. I can't face the reality. Just few hours before I was planning to take him out for a date with me tomorrow. Now he isn't here. This is too much for me to take in".

During the funeral I again lost my consciousness and woke up in Noah's car. He had bought me by the lakeside where he had confessed his feelings for me.

Noah held my hand and was staring at me. The moment I opened my eyes I saw him staring at me. "Why are you looking at me like that? "I questioned.

Noah's POV

Emma lay on the bed unconscious. The nurses that brought in Gramps treated her and asked her to rest.

As Emma regained her consciousness, she stepped out of the bed to walk out of the room.

"Can we have a moment with you ? We won't stop you from going out but just give us five minutes" I held her and made her sit on the couch. Even before I could tell her anything"Noah! Gramps is no more. I don't know what do I do. I can't face the reality. Just few hours before I was planning to take him out for a date with me tomorrow. Now he isn't here. This is too much for me to take in"she was lamenting her sorrows.

"Gramps wouldn't want to see you like this. He is in a better place now. Please don't cry. We are always here for you." Blute who was sitting next to Emma replied.

Emma placed her head on his shoulder, silently shedding tears without uttering a word. I would be lying if I told I wasn't jealous, but right now Emma was the priority.

I kneeled down in front of her and held both of her hands that were in her lap and said "Emms! Do you remember how important you were to Gramps. If he would have seen you like this he would have been soo upset.He might not be physically present with you,but a piece of him is always with you in your heart"I tried to console her.

Henry and Blute kept talking to her too but only thing she did was silently cry on Blute's shoulder.

Her skin had turned pale, her eyes were red and swollen due to crying. My heart was breaking into pieces, I couldn't see her like that.

"I have to go out stay by my Gramps side for as long as I can" Emma replied with tears flowing down her face.

Last month Emma and Gramps had made a mold for making a ceramic model of them holding their hands.It was delivered yesterday to my place. Gramps had asked me to keep it a secret since he wanted to give it to her himself. That was the reason Gramps had come over to her place today so he could give her the present.

I left it on her study table with a note written by Gramps.

"Noah can I get a scribble pad? " Henry asked me.

Since I was always around I knew where it was. I don't know why he needed it but moments later he had written something on it and tore that page and left it with Gramps gift on Emma's study table.

At the time of the funeral Emma held her mom and was crying. She lost her consciousness again.

"Emma! Open your eyes " Mrs. Roberts held Emma in her hands and Mr. Roberts made his way next to her. They were really worried about her.

Blute offered them to take Emma home and I replied to them that I would stay with Emma till they return and they could finish the funeral and come back.

We took her into my car,Blute and me took her to the doctor. The doctor gave her a drip and after an hour or so she regained her consciousness.

"Please take me out of this place! I don't want to stay here! " She started going insanely wild. She pulled out her drip.

"Heyy! Hey! Everything will be okay don't worry.We will leave this place in some time let the doctor have a check" I pulled her into a warm embrace. She struggled for a while but later stayed quiet and calm.

"Blute get back home and rest up,you haven't slept from yesterday night and it's already afternoon. I'm fine I'll get back home with Noah and rest. I won't cause any trouble" Emma insisted Blute to go home.

"I'm good I will stay." Blute replied. She rolled her eyes indicating him to leave or she would be upset.

"Okay!! Don't give me that look. No matter what happens give me a call. I'm just a call away. I've got your back. Take care" Blute ruffled her hair and left.

"Please take me somewhere other than home" Emma told as she walked out.

I took her to the lake where we heard Blute read her letter. The same place I confessed my feelings to her. She held my hand and slept all along the drive.

She woke up moments after we reached.I sat there facing her and I held her hand. "Why are you looking at me like that? " She questioned.

"You look like a red tomato right now and I love tomatoes" I replied pulling her cheeks.

She pushed me and walked out of the car and sat on the freshly mowed lawn. I made my way next to her.

Fickle as it seems the sky kept changing it's color.

Little does the wind know about the chaotic storms that lay hidden beneath the huge boulders. I sit still on the lawn beside her by the lake.

She sat there staring into oblivion her eyes swollen, hair a mess, yet so captivating and beautiful.

"Noah! I don't want to have regrets in my life anymore. The other day you told me I could take time to give you an answer. I have my answer. Noah Stark! I don't know from when I started liking you but I would want to tell you before some one steals you from me. "Emma finally confessed her feelings for me.

I was awe-struck!!

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