4. The Past speaks for itself

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I lay on my bed with my eyes closed, the demons that were put to sleep years ago, kept resurfacing again. I couldn't sleep, pieces from my past kept coming back in flashes. "Please leave me alone!!! Just get away from me !!! Please let me go!! " this piece of words kept ringing in my head.

I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed, sweating profusely. I was gasping for breathe, clutching the sheets on my bed. This was one of the scariest thing about the past I never talked about. I knew my parents would never understand, instead they would stack me up with new rules and regulations. Basically I would be grounded.

One summer evening , when I was 13, I had a basketball match at school. After the match I was lazy to change back into my school uniform, so I stayed in my sports shorts. I had a driver assigned by my parents to pick me up everyday from school. As usual I was waiting for him by the school gate.

I waited for sometime and then a very shady person, with his face half covered with a hand towel, walked to me with a phone in his hand. At first I tried to avoid him "Excuse me! I don't know you". Then he replied " Mrs. Roberts is on the call , she wants to inform you that I will pick you up from school today since Sam is sick". Sam was my driver who used to pick me up from school everyday, since I was 8.

"Honeyy!! Sam won't be coming because he is sick, so he sent someone else to drop you home" I could hear my mom from the other side of the line. I got into the backseat of the vehicle. I still felt something off about this person.

As we drove by the same way we took everyday, this new driver was reeking of alcohol, the vehicle came to a stand still in a place that was still approximately a mile away from my home. This place was deserted and silent as always but today it gave a very creepy vibe. I thought something was wrong with the vehicle , when this guy walked out of the vehicle and came sat next to me in the backseat.

He held both my hands tightly in one hand and with the other hand started touching me inappropriately. I was struggling to free myself from his strong embrace. I screamed as loud as I could" Help me please someone help me!! " but there was no one to hear my cries.

"Please leave me alone!!! Just get away from me !!! Please let me go!!" I pleaded in front of him". He was talking gibberish I couldn't understand a thing now. I think it was the alcohol. I bit his hand as hard as possible, but it all went in vain. He only got more furious and he was getting closer and closer.

I stiffened when I felt his cold and rough hand on my belly. Tears were rolling down my cheeks I was struggling really hard to get away from him when I started kicking him as hard as I could with the energy left in me. Then I kicked him really hard and he fell away from me groaning in pain.

In the meantime, when I was getting out of the vehicle, he held my leg, his sharp nails bruising my skin, I couldn't give up now. I kicked his face and ran as fast as I could. He was chasing me and suddenly dropped unconscious. At that moment I took advantage of the situation and ran as fast as I could only to slow down when I reached my home.

I was profusely sweating, my lips were parched, my heart was racing so fast it felt like I could sense my pulse in my head. The wound on my leg was bleeding and I didn't want my mom to see me like this. I was extremely scared and couldn't think straight. I directly walked into my room and cleaned myself and came out of my room.

I didn't speak about it to anyone and my mom thought the bruise on my leg was because of the match. After that incident I started dressing conservatively, I stopped playing any kind of sports and above all I didn't want to be noticed by anyone. I was scared that it might happen again.

(Stay tuned to know whether Emma fights her fears and goes to the party....Sorry for making this chapter a little long, was too engrossed in the details)

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