7.Fresher's Party

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There were lot of events lined up for the day ranging from a fashion show and all forms of dance performances, a DJ Eve and lots and lots of food counters were setup across the campus. Cassy and me savoured every delicacy we could. We laughed and strolled the entire campus rather than watching the performances lined up for the day.

"Emmsssss!!!look to your 3 O'clock " she whispered in my ear. There was this guy in his early 20's , dressed in a black tux, shiny hazel eyes ,well groomed beard and a eye catching smile. I was so mesmerised by him, I would be lying if I would say no.

"Hot isn't he?? " Cassy was high on her adrenaline. "Whatever!! Let's go we are getting late for the DJ" I dragged her to the main stage.

The beats were getting louder and louder and people were already swaying and twerking and what not to the beats. This was the last place I wanted to be, the stale air filled with the stench of sweat, loud music and people all screaming and shouting. Above all I didn't know how to dance.

So once Cassy got into the crowd dancing with her other friends, I walked to a much peaceful place away from the crowd put on my earphones and sat there on a bench.My college felt more like a resort than a college campus to be precise with scenic beauty covering every corner of it .

As I sat there smiling to myself, looking at the darkness taking over the twilight but still left with the light from the moon and the stars. Little did the twilight know that even the darkness was adored with the beauty of the moonlight and the stardust.

I wanted to embrace this new me by taking baby steps. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw someone approaching me .

"Damn!!! It's the same guy me and Cassy saw sometime back"I mumbled to myself. " Heyy! Don't you want to be a part of the DJ eve" he asked ."Naah! I like it here and it's none of your concern" I shot daggers at him and was about to walk away.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you . I'm also sorry about what I'm going to do"he replied and got on his knees " I like you!! would you be my date tonight??".

I didn't know what to do I was confused and shocked too. Me being me, I just turned around and walked away towards the college buses as it was time to leave.

On the way I met Julie nd she was arguing with some guy over some birthday party she wasn't invited for or some birthday chocolate. "Julie ! It's already been two days since my birthday and you are still cribbing about it "that huge guy walking beside Julie was telling her .

Meanwhile I walked to her and I was dragged into the conversation " Heyy u don't know me but still , tell me is it ryt to crib about my birthday that was two days back"the guy Julie was arguing with questioned me. "Emma you are with me or him on this??" Julie asked me ." I replied " I dunno let's go we are getting late and the buses are about to leave " . They continued with the argument till we reached the bus.

I didn't know at that time, some random stranger whom I met that day would landup being someone of such great importance to me later.

( Stay tuned to know about who Emma is talking about is it the guy with the black tux or the huge guy she met in the argument.......)

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